My Wish List

唔知我係咪放假放得開心過頭, 真係突然之間有好好好多野想敗 (定係我血液內既敗家細胞呢期患上過度活躍症?).  我諗係因為放假, 多左時間胡思亂想得黎又可以出街同埋上網周圍8.  你話我係咪真係一得閒就要荷包受罪丫.  但係為免我一兩日內會令我親愛既荷包留血不止, 我突然間諗, “不如整個Wish List先, 等自己不斷再望多兩望再決定敗邊樣先” (又或者望多兩望, 咩都唔想要呢? *妄想中*).  我本身想寫一篇blog post叫 “My Wish List”, 但係我又覺得呢d係長期鬥爭 (個list成日都要加加減減ga ma!).  所以我去左register (for free)呢個website –> Wishpot

(English:  Not sure if I have been too happy/ relaxed during the Mid-Autumn Festival holidays, I suddenly have an itch in some serious hauling (or my hauling cells have suddenly gone active?).  I blame it on the holidays because I got quite a bit of time to halucinate of the stuff I want to get and also got quite a bit of time to go out and get online to browse around.  It seems like that I am determined to get my purse to bleed for some reason.  Well well well, calm down!  I didn’t want to have a house full of blood in 1-2 days, therefore I thought, “why don’t I create a wish list, then I could spend some time in deciding what to get and what not!” (or I am hoping that I would actually give up some products after the second look!!).  Originally, I wanted to write a blog piece called “My Wish List”, but then I thought it should be a long-term strategy (the list has to be modified from time to time), so I went to register (for free) on this website instead –> Wishpot)

Register左之後, 你就可以係d website度加直接bookmark d products, 咁d products就會直接飛落呢個website, 你可以capture埋個價錢.  當你再入呢個website既時候就可以慢慢研究下你個wish list, 再睇下有咩加加減減, 咁就應該唔會因衝動而做錯事啦 (希望啦)!  仲有樣野好既就係, 除左wish list之外, 你仲可以整gift list/ shopping list, 咁就可以好齊全喇.  哈哈, 如果你好似我咁, 成日都鍾意睇下人地既wish list既話, 你都可以係個website入面睇到其他人like左d咩, 都幾得意.

(English:  After registration, you can bookmark the products and the products would show automatically on this website (in your account).  You can also capture the price (best part!!).  Then, when you log into this website again, you can modify the wish list by taking out products that you might not want anymore – hopefully this will minimize the chance of buying on impulse (hopefully!!).  Another good thing is that apart from creating a wish list, you could also create gift list/ shopping list – very comprehensive.  Haha, if you are like me, you enjoy looking at others’ wish lists, you will find that in this website as well.  Quite fun!)

當然啦, 如果你同我一樣都有個blog/ website, 你仲可以加呢個widget落你個blog入面同你既readers分享下你既wish list (我整左個長身既係右邊), 一有加加減減就會自動update, 唔洗成日寫過篇文啦 (留翻寫其他野), 如果你d readers有興建睇你個wish list, 一望就知.  我就覺得好鬼方便喇.

(English:  Of course, if you have a blog/ website, you could also add this widget into your blog/ website so that your wish list can be shared with your readers (I have a tall one on the right hand side).  Whenever you update your wish list, it will be automatically updated on the widget – time saving!  If your readers love investigating your wish list, they will know at a glance – very convenient!)

View my list on Wishpot »

0拿, 係咪好方便呢?  仲有個位俾你寫底notes – 真係超方便!  你地而家睇到我想血拼d咩啦.  樣樣都唔平, 所以真係要加入個wish list個度慢慢研究下先得.  你地都可以諗下join唔join丫, 可以同人share你個wish list我都覺得幾得意, 呵呵~~

(English:  Ha!  Very convenient and simple!  It also leaves some space for you to write a short note – super thoughtful!  Now you can see what I want to get, I have to say almost all of them are not very reasonably priced, therefore I really have to add them all to the wish list first and slow investigate what should stay and what should go.  It’s quite fun to share your wish list with others – feel free to join if you like the idea!!  Have fun creating your wish list!!)

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