帶咗呢條Missoma Square Snake Chain頸鏈好耐,我諗你哋好多時睇YouTube都見我帶住。越帶越鍾意同埋真係好好襯。我覺得佢單帶同埋疊帶都好睇,亦都係簡單款式襯乜都得。
I have been wearing this Missoma Square Snake Chain Necklace for a long time, I trust that many of you have seen its appearance on my YouTube channel. The more I wear it, the more I love it. I love how it can be worn alone or layering with other necklaces. It’s so simple yet so versatile.

It looks very clean when it’s worn alone.

之前去Tiffany試野,我本身都係帶住Missoma嗰條,你見加多一條長長哋嘅都好好睇。 係咪真係好好襯呢~所以我highly recommend呢條! 如果有興趣你可以撳呢條link。
I went to try on something at Tiffany and you can see it still looks very nice when layering with a longer chain. I highly recommend this! If you are interested, you can click the link here.
Check Out My Other Missoma Necklace Picks Below
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