My Favourite Chanel Scent | No. 5 Eau Premiere

大家之前應該有印象我講過Chanel No.5 Eau Premiere,因為我第一次接觸佢係佢既travel set,入面有一枝好方便帶出街既twist裝同埋兩枝refill。 我已經用完好耐喇,之前經過念念不忘又再入手。


(English:  I think you must remember I have talked about Chanel No.5 Eau Premiere in one of my videos.  My first encounter was their travel set which consists of one twistable tube and 2 refills.  I have used up all of them long time ago and I couldn’t resist to go back and get some more.)


HK$1,350/ 100ml or HK$930/ 50ml


HK$1,100/ 3×20 refills (including the twistable tube)


其實我鍾意佢係因為佢係Chanel No. 5既輕盈版。 我覺得No. 5本身係好香好成熟亦非常持久,但係佢都比較濃烈,所以唔係個個場合都啱用,我覺得No. 5比較適合夜晚或者有Event/ Function既時候。而No. 5 Eau Premiere係比較powdery既No. 5味道,好女性但係未去到好成熟。 加上,佢味道係香但係唔算濃(如果同Jo Malone比較當然係濃啦,如果同佢差唔多級數既品牌,我覺得唔算濃),所以適用既場合較多,同埋日間用都唔會覺得隔隔不入。 而且,我覺得佢好持久,基本上last一整日係完全無問題! 而我用完之後亦回購係因為我好多時間都用到佢同埋佢比我感覺好classy。 不過當我去入手既時候BA同我講話travel set未必會再出,所以如果你對呢個味道既travel set有興趣既話,你要快d去望下喇。  我覺得我會推薦比over 28歲鍾意比較女性味道既朋友。


(English:  I love this because this is a lighter version of the classic Chanel No. 5.  No. 5 is very rich, very mature and  very long-lasting, but at the same time, it’s a very heavy scent, so it doesn’t suit every occasion.  I think  No. 5 is great for evening, events or functions.  On the lighter side, No. 5 Eau Premiere is a more powdery scent of No. 5, it’s very feminine but not quite mature.  Plus it smells really nice without taking the breath away (if you compare it to Jo Malone, of course this is still very strong, but if you compare it to other similar brands, it’s not), it’s more suitable for daily use and I wouldn’t feel strange wearing it even in the day time.  Also, it lasts for a long time, basically it lasts all day no problem.  The reason that I repurchase this is because I do use it most of the time and it does give me a classy feeling.  But last time when I was in Chanel, the BA told me that they might discontinue the travel set, so if you are interested, please check it out quickly.  I think I would recommend this to any female over 28 who like to smell feminine.)


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