My Days @ Malaysia

上個星期我去左Malaysia 5日做野, 係我兩個月黎既第二次 (第一次仲誇, 我去兩日一夜jar!!).  本身我都無咩感覺, 做野ma!  個邊我又唔係好識人, 所以我諗都係返工放工咁就過下日神.  有時我返鬼咁早, 有時又做到鬼咁夜, 講真, 真係無時間周圍行, 你地信唔信我咩鬼mall都無去過??

(English:  Last week I spent 5 days working in Malaysia, this is my second time in 2 months (well the first time was like 2 days 1 night!!!).  Well, it’s work, so I didn’t particularly feel too enthusiastic about the trip.  I didn’t quite know anyone there, so I sort of expected myself to have a completely boring routine of going to and getting off work.  Sometimes I worked so early and sometimes I got off so late, I didn’t really have time to explore – do you believe that I had never physically gone to any shopping mall?)

初初個兩日, 我真係超自閉, 連食野都係hotel食 – 鬼咩, 我去之前淨係掛住整個presentation, 咩鬼research都無做, 所以連hotel附近有咩我都唔係好知, 同埋我放工個陣應該d野都收sa啦….

(English:  The first two days, I was completely by myself, so much so that I even ate at the hotel.  Well, before I went there, I was so held up with my presentation material, I didn’t really do any research on Malaysian places.  So, I didn’t even know what’s close to the hotel!!  Also, when I got off, things should have closed already – so anyway!)

呢個Egg Benedict就係我某一日係hotel既早點喇, 但係我覺得兩隻蛋好鞋口, 唔好食, 反而其他配件ok wor!

(English:  Egg Benedict was my breakfast for one of the days @ hotel, but the eggs felt rather rough on my tongue, so not good!  Apart from the eggs, other “accessories” tasted fine!)

呢個仲好笑, 係Singaporean Laksa!  係我有日收工好夜喇, 返到hotel即刻叫既.  我見到佢地推上黎個陣仲同個staff好感動咁講, “OMG!!  It’s FOOD!!!” 你可以想像到我有幾餓啦 (唔知個staff有無俾我嚇親添….)

(English:  This is Singaporean Laksa!  I got off very late one night and immediately ordered this when I got back to the hotel.  When the staff was entering my room, I was so touched and said, “OMG!!  It’s FOOD!!”  You could imagine how hungry I was (not sure if I had scared the staff haha):)

一個人食野唔多唔少都有d寂寞, 但係次次叫room service都有呢個花花陪我, 算係咁啦.

(English:  Eating alone sometimes brings loneliness.  Ha, whenever I ordered room service, I got this flower as a companion!  So far so good!)

係我無咩expectation之際, 我d馬拉同事對我好好, 我地初相識, 佢地係咁問我有無去邊邊邊, 又問我有無食過咩咩咩, 之後仲話點解要咁快走, 如果遲d我地可以點點點.  其實一個人係外面, 聽到呢d說話, 感覺真係好窩心!!  雖然我地識得遲, 但係佢地就係我要走個一日同我買當地既美食一齊share.

(English:  I started to get to know some of my Malaysian colleagues after couple days and I am still impressed with their hospitality.  They kept asking me if I had been to blah blah blah, and if I had tried duh duh duh food.  They even said if I didn’t have to go back so early, we could have been doing what what what…  Honestly, I was touched.  When you are alone somewhere, hearing these words would just warm your heart up!  Well, better late than never, we had a fun lunch on the date when I had to come back.)

呢個係我地係Food Court叫既麵, 咩都有d, d湯有少少甜甜地…

(English:  This is a noodle thing @ food court.  It has a bit of everything and the soup tastes a bit sweet.)

呢個係Indian Salad, 入面有豆腐有蝦…食個陣就淋d汁上去.

(English:  This is Indian salad.  It has tofu and prawns…you pour the sauce over the top when you eat it.)

呢個好搞野, 係Herbal Chicken Soup, 入面真係有d herbs, 但係我無研究係咩黎.  

(English:  This one is funny, it’s Herbal Chicken Soup.  It really has herbs inside but I haven’t investigated what they are.)

呢個係馬拉薄餅, 入面有糖同埋花生. 薄薄地甜甜地咁.

(English: This is Malaysian Crepe.  It has sugar and peanut inside.  It’s very thin and sweet!)

呢杯係我既龍眼水.  超甜呀~~

(English:  This is my Longan Tea – hmmmmm super sweet!!)

食食下馬拉野, 我發現佢地d野好多糖.  點解我咁講?  我第一日係Starbucks買Iced Green Tea Latte, 我諗佢個味應該同香港差唔多, 點知!!! 我一飲, 個心就話, “嘩, 糖尿Green Tea Latte呀!!!”  真係甜到我醒sa!  到我再試其他野, 咩都有d甜甜地咁.  我再問我d馬拉同事, 佢地都話佢地d食物係甜既居多.  哈哈, 我諗我呢5日係個邊吸收左既糖份應該係我一年係香港既quota!!

(English:  After I tried the food, I discovered that they put quite a lot of sugar into their cooking.  Why?  I recalled the first day I went to Starbucks to get my favourite Iced Green Tea Latte.  OMG!  After the first sip, I thought to myself, “this thing should be called Diabetes Green Tea Latte!!!  The sugar rush just ran through my blood and woke me up instantly.  Then I tried the above goodies and almost all of them tasted sweet.  I asked my Malaysian colleagues if they found their food sweet, they admitted that I had the right discovery!! Hahaha, the sugar that I took for 5 days in Malaysia should lasts me a year in Hong Kong!!)

話說回來, 雖然今次都唔係見到好多部份既Malaysia, 但係就係因為有呢個遺憾令我再想返去行行走走.

(English:  Well, even though I haven’t seen much of Malaysia so far, I feel the urge to go back and see the more of it!)

後話: 我等緊飛機返香港途中, 又忽發奇想.  我覺得我個blog既內容有點點悶.  唔知係我寫得悶, 等我我俾我自己悶親 (多數係呢個原因).  唔係唔係, 我唔係金盤洗手.  我只係想加少少其他原素入呢個blog個度.  返左工無以前咁多時間整/ 寫得意野, 但係我覺得生活唔應該係咁ma, Life Should be INTERESTING!  當然個blog會繼續以敗家, 美容, 化妝為主, 但係我都會加翻d random-ness落呢個blog度, 等大家唔會比我悶死~~ 係咩?  我未知呀!!  Go with the flow lah~~

(English:  I was waiting for the plane to come back and had a thought – my blog is a bit boring these days.  Not sure if my writing is boring or if I have bored myself (guess should be the latter).  Nah, I am not saying that I’d quit.  I just want to add some other “ingredients” in.  After I started working, I haven’t been having a great deal of time to write fun things like I used to, but I don’t feel life should be like this.  Life Should be INTERESTING!!  Of course, the focus (hauling, skincare and cosmetics) stays.  But I would like to add a touch of random-ness into it, so that you all won’t be bored to death by me.  So what’s the random-ness?  I am not quite sure yet.  I’ll go with the flow and continue this journey!!  Have fun!!!)

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