[化妝] My Burberry Lipstick and Lipgloss Collection

大家都知我個奇怪咀敏感,所以好多品牌既唇膏lipgloss我都唔用得! 唯有係咁買用得既品牌啦! 其中一個唇膏lipgloss我用得既品牌就係Burberry! 又係Burberry,我先聲明:我無收錢同無PR送野俾我,全部都係自費丫! 我尋晚攤係張床度諗諗下,不如出個collection post同簡單分享一下佢四條唇膏line既特質,如果有sis想入手又可以多d資料咁丫! 係,佢有四條line既唇膏,我就每條line都有一兩枝,啱啱好可以同大家分享下喇(真係要讚下自己好敗家~~哈哈)!!仲有,其實我搵完一輪揾到以下咁多枝Burberry既唇膏lipgloss,但係我成日唔見唇膏lipgloss(通常係放下手袋,放放下唔記得咗),所以我唔知我係咪應該仲有多d(但係失蹤咗),如果揾到多d再分享啦~~呢度都應該夠睇住先同止下咳! 

(English:  Many of you know that my lips are sensitive, therefore I can’t test out all the lipsticks and lipglosses from different brands.  The only option I got is to purchase from those brands whose lipsticks and lipglosses are suitable for me.  One of them is Burberry!!  Ok, Burberry again but here is my disclaimer: none of my Burberry items are sponsored and nor this post, I bought everything myself! Last night, I was lying in bed and thought, “maybe I should release a collection post and quickly share the differences between their 4 lines of lipsticks.  So IF you are interested to get some, you have a reference point!  Yes, they have 4 lines of lipsticks and I got 1-2 lipsticks from each line, so it makes it perfect for writing this post (have to praise myself for hauling so much)!!  Well, I had been searching my place for awhile and found the following, but my lipsticks and lipglosses do tend to missing in action from time to time, so I am not sure if some of them are hiding somewhere, if I find more, I will definitely share again but the following should be enough for now!!)


Burberry分別有4條唇膏line: Lip Mist,Lip Cover,Lip Velvet同Lip Glow Balm。

 (English: Burberry has 4 different lines of lipsticks namely Lip Mist, Lip Cover, Lip Velvet and Lip Glow Balm.)

Lip Mist

價錢(Price):HK$245/ 3.5g

No. 209 Feather Pink


No. 212 Nude Peach

Lip Mist出黎效果潤澤感強,相對上顏色較淺色。 上嘴效果好自然同埋都好潤。 持久度大概三四個鐘頭! 我覺得呢隻唔適合唇色深既人,因為一定遮唔到;反而好適合一d好愛自然風既人喇。 因為出黎感覺好舒服,唔搶眼,鍾意透薄感既人就啱喇!

(English:  Lip Mist has a strong moisture finish while it leaves less pigmentation on lips.  When it’s used on lips, it looks really natural and is quite moisturizing.  The longevity is around 3-4 hours.  I feel that this doesn’t suit anyone who has a really dark lip color because it can’t cover your lip color for you; quite on the contrary, it suits those who love natural look because it looks just right and doesn’t scream.  If you love sheer finish, you probably like this!)

Lip Cover

價錢(Price):HK$245/ 3.5g – 3.8g

No. 32 Sepia Pink
**this is 3.8g


No. 08 Tea Rose
**this is 3.5g

Lip Cover都有少少潤澤感,但係感覺無Lip Mist咁glossy。 顏色方面係好出色。 用三四個鐘頭有小乾情況出現,不過接受到同埋顏色都last到三四個鐘! 我覺得呢條line算係最大眾化,因為有好多顏色可以揀照顧唔同人既需要,加上因為出色,所以就算唇色深既人用都無咩問題! 我覺得一般鍾意搽唇膏既人都會鍾意呢條line!我第一枝入手Buberry既唇膏都係Lip Cover! 我覺得如果你想試下自己like唔like Burberry既唇膏,我推介你先入手呢條line!

(English:  Lip Cover has a bit of a moisture finish but it’s definitely not as glossy as Lip Mist.  Color-wise, it’s certainly pigmented.  When it’s in use for 3-4 hours, you might feel the lips are a bit dry but it’s still acceptable for me.  The longevity is around 3-4 hours.  I feel this line is for mass market because there are so many different colors to choose from to cater for different needs.  Plus its pigmentation, it works fine on darker lips.  I feel that most people who love lipsticks would love this line!  My first Burberry lipstick is a Lip Cover as well.  If you want to try Burberry lipstick to see if you like it, I would recommend you go for something from Lip Cover!!)

Lip Glow Balm

價錢(Price):HK$245/ 4g

No. 03 Pink Azalea


No. 01 Orange Poppy



No. 02 Pink Peony


Lip Glow Balm係Burberry既新作,亦都係我最新入手嘅! 簡單d黎講,佢係有色潤唇膏啦!! 潤澤感超高,顏色就只係一點點!! 佢真係加咗少少色既潤唇膏黎!! 我覺得用落都夠潤,四五個鐘會覺得乾同要補搽! 呢個產品,我覺得一係你會好愛佢,一係你會覺得一d都唔值(咁貴買枝唔係好出色既tinted lip balm)! 我覺得除非你係想揾一d類似既野,否則我覺得你未必會愛上啦!!

(English:  Lip Glow Balm is the newest addition to the Burberry family and it’s also my newest addition to my collection!  In really simple terms, it’s tinted lip balm!!  It’s high shine with a tiny hint of color!  Right, it’s really a tinted lip balm!!!  It’s moisturizing enough but it does dry out after 4-5 hours and I need to retouch!  I feel that it’s either a love or a hate product and some people might feel that it’s totally not worth the money (expensive tinted lip balm!!)  I think unless you are looking for something similar, otherwise, I don’t think you will be totally amazed by it!!)

Lip Velvet

價錢(Price):HK$245/ 3.5g

No. 305 Honey Suckle

Lip Velvet係Burberry既Matte Lipstick line。 佢無潤澤感,出色同實色! 係實實在在既matte finish。 用佢大概兩個令鐘會覺得乾(不過一般matte lipstick都係咁啦)。 呢款我覺得係比勇敢d既朋友去用,或者好愛誇張搶眼look既人去用。我覺得如果你喜歡醒神鮮色嘴,又愛matte finish既話,呢條line就啱喇~~

(English:  Lip Velvet is Burberry’s matte lipstick line.  It doesn’t has any glossy finish, it’s pigmented and solid.  It’s definitely matte finish.  I would say it dries out after 2 hours (but most matte lipsticks are the same).  I feel that this is for the braver people or those who love a vibrant lip with matte finish~~)

另外我之前買野送咗枝BB版Lip Mist:

(English:  Oh I did get a miniature version of a Lip Mist because I hauled so much:)


No. 202 Copper


(English:  I also have 2 of their lipglosses, so let’s bundle them into this post~~~)

Lip Glow

價錢(Price):HK$220/ 6ml

No. 18 Vintage Gold


No. 05 Tea Rose

Lip Glow都算幾出色,唔係笠! 我本身麻麻地lipgloss,所以唔係入咗好多枝! 但係我覺得Tea Rose好值得推介下俾大家,係一款girly得黎比較自然既粉紅,雖然girly,但係襯得到好多唔同既眼妝,呢枝實用到超高!

(English:  Lip Glow is quite pigmented and not too heavy nor sticky on lips!  I personally am not a fan of lipgloss, so I didn’t haul much in this category.  But I do feel that Tea Rose is a good recommendation to the girls out there.  Its pink is quite girly but on the natural side.  Though it’s girly, it could go with so many different eye makeup looks, so I think this one is worth the investment!!)

仲有,之前媽媽大人叫我幫佢買唇膏,為免買得唔啱媽媽大人心水,所以我買咗三枝俾佢自己揀啦,最好佢三枝要哂!!! 哈哈~~ 係俾佢之前,偷埋黎影相俾大家望一望個顏色先:

(English:  Last but not least, my mom asked me to haul some lipsticks for her before, well I don’t want to leave her with no choice, so I got 3 for her to choose, it would be great if she wants all 3!! Haha~~~ Before I give these to her, let me show you the colors first:)

Lip Cover No. 25 Nude Rose


Lip Cover No. 15 Bright Plum

Lip Velvet No. 311 Bright Poppy

好喇! 希望今日呢篇文章幫到大家了解多d Burberry既lip lines啦!!

(English:  Right!!  Hopefully this helps to give you a bit more information and my thoughts on Burberry lip products!!)





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