[保養] 我的抗油三寶 My 3 Treasures to Kill Oily Face

夏天都係幾令我無奈嘅一個天氣。熱就唔洗講,潮濕個下真係想死掉! 除咗個人會變得好攰之外,仲會成面油。我係乾性皮膚,照計應該無咩油先係,但係因為長期係冷氣地方,越整越乾,變相一有天氣變化嘅時候(有冷氣變無冷氣),我出油嘅情況唔係講少。尤其係出成日街,咁我下午就一定油道可以煎蛋(偷笑)!

(English:  I really don’t like summer even though I get to enjoy the sun and go to the beach.  The heat is one thing, but the humidity is another.  It doesn’t only make me feel tired, my face also screams with oil secretion.  Well, I have dry skin and that shouldn’t be the case, right?  But since I am in air-con room most of the time, and my skin can only get drier and drier, so whenever there is a temperate change from with air-con to without air-con, my oil secretion is no joke, especially when I stay out most of the day, I have so much oil secretion on my face that I might be able to fry an egg with that *laughs*!!)

於是我就諗下有咩產品可以令我油光減少! 俾我發現咗以下呢個組合。 我用咗下面個三樣野個令星期,真係無咁多油出喎! 哈哈,等我講解一下我個妙法先~

(English:  Therefore, I try to find a way to solve the problem and I discover the brilliant combination as follows.  I have been using the following combination for over a week and it solves my oily face problem!  Yay, let me tell you my secret~~)

第一步/ First Step:Dejavu Control Serum

價錢(Price):HK$98/ 10g (Available at Sasa)

Made in Japan


呢個係控油精華。佢個texture係少少gel狀。 我通常係朝早用佢。 搽完上面,隔一分鐘就會吸收哂, 一d都唔會lup仲好滑添!我會用呢個步驟做第一個step,咁就可以make sure之後用既產品好貼同埋long-lasting d喇!  呢個讚呀! 唔會塞住毛孔又有效果! 有油光既人可以試下呢隻產品!

(English:  This is an oil control serum.  The texture is a bit of a gel format.  I usually use it first thing in the morning.  After 1 min of application, it gets absorbed into the skin.  It’s not greasy and it’s not sticky.  Quite on the contrary, it makes skin soft and smooth to touch.  I use this as my first step in my makeup routine, this way, I can make sure it builds a very good foundation to the latter products to be applied.  This one is really great in the sense that it doesn’t clog pores and the effect is long-lasting.  If you have oily skin, I would recommend this to you.)

第二步:Diorsnow UV Shield BB Cream SPF50 PA+++

價錢(Price):HK$415/ 30ml


(English:  I talked about this product before in a video, if you haven’t watched, please enjoy!)

呢個BB Cream係好乾爽,真係好乾爽。就係因為佢咁乾爽,所以我會跟手用佢。 咁就可以確保皮膚無負責,唔會咁易出油喇。 佢個價錢都貴,如果唔想買咁貴,你就可以用你屋企比較乾爽既foundation/ BB Cream代替!總之夠爽身就可以喇!!

(English:  This BB cream is of a dry texture, therefore, I use this right after the oil serum.  I can then ensure that my skin won’t be burdened by the product and make sure less oil will be created.  Since it’s quite pricey, if you don’t want to get it!  You can definitely use some of the very light foundation/ BB Cream that you have!  The key is that the texture has to be light!)

第三步:Dejavu Minipact SPF31 PA+++


Made in Japan

呢個係密粉,有兩個顏色。我呢個係健康膚色,佢有另外一個俾白皮膚既人用。 我最後個step會用呢個。一來可以tune翻比較自然嘅膚色。二來,佢嘅粉質好幼細,用掃掃上面, 令皮膚摸落同望落好細緻。三來,佢仲有另一個作用就係令皮膚更加清爽。就算用完BB Cream都好啦,我都會掃少少粉係面,等佢可以吸去多餘嘅油脂。你知啦,香港空氣咁多塵同廢物,我唔會就咁搽完foundation/ BB Cream行出街,因為如果無多一層粉去隔住,變相自己塊面係痴塵同廢物,所以我一定會用粉狀嘅產品搽最後,等皮膚得到好好既保護。呢個粉都好long-lasting同自然,平平地真係唔錯!

(English:  This is a pressed powder and there are 2 colors to choose from.  One is natural and the other is designed for fairer skin types.  I use this as the last step.  First, it tunes back my skin to a more natural color.  Second, its powder is very fine.  I apply this with a brush and it makes my skin look and feel soft and smooth  Third, it absorbs any trace of oil on skin, making the makeup even more long-lasting. As you know, HK air pollution is quite serious and I usually don’t just walk out of the house with just foundation/ BB cream on because I feel that I need an extra layer to block off the dust and dirt from the air, so I insist to use a powder form product as my last step.  It helps to protect skin effectively.  This product works really well.  Its effect is long-lasting and natural.  Brilliant!!)

希望今篇文章幫到大家啦!我用咗以上個combination,效果好滿意。我諗今個又熱又潮濕嘅夏天, 我都會靠佢地幫我KO油光!哈哈!!

(English:  Hope this piece would help you on controlling your oil secretion!  I use the above combination these days and the effect is great!  I think I have to rely on these 3 products this summer!! *laughs*)

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(English:  They have a Facebook competition now that you might win a chance to get their free products, please feel free to join –> Click HERE  )

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