我哋大部份人日日都洗頭,梳都日日用,但係有幾多個我哋係會日日清理把梳? 啲頭髮啲塵了埋一舊除咗自己睇到唔開胃之餘,又梳返落乾淨嘅頭髮度,其實咪又等如中和左洗頭嘅作用。今日想同大家分享一下呢個Muji平價好物,佢可以幫手清潔梳,平價得嚟用法又簡單。
Most of us wash our hair everyday and probably brush our hair everyday, but how many of us actually clean our brushes everyday? When the hair and dust tangle within the brush bristles, not only it’s unsightly, it also means our hair brushes are not hygienic enough for our clean hair LOL. So today let me share this very affordable goodie with you from Muji, it helps clean the brushes and it’s really easy to use.
Muji平價好物 – Hair Brush Cleaner HK$22

每一次梳完頭之後,用佢喺啲梳齒嘅罅隙度行幾下,就可以勾返起啲頭髮出嚟。 有時就算我冇甩啲頭髮係把梳度,我都會用佢係啲梳齒嘅罅隙度行幾個圈當掃走啲塵。 呢個清潔梳嘅小幫手,我已經用咗好耐,一路唔記得同大家分享,今日趕埋喺2022年年尾出埋呢個blog post,希望大家喺2023年都有靚靚嘅頭髮。
I use this to “run” around the brush bristles every time after I brush my hair, it helps to get the hair out of the bristles easily. Sometimes (on a very good day), I leave no hair on the brush, but I still use this to run a few times in between the bristles to get the dust out. I have been using this little goodie for a long time but I keep forgetting to tell you LOL. Now I manage to get this blog post done by the end of 2022, and I wish all of you have beautiful hair in 2023.