[修身] MJP修手臂法寶

呢期我係咁用唔同既修身產品。 當然我都有做下運動啦,不過我覺得搽埋產品個效果就事半功倍!! 我近期用緊下面呢隻產品,我覺得佢得意得黎效果又唔錯,所以想趁夏天未過同大家分享一下:

(English: I have been trying out different slimming products lately. Of course, I still exercise or do some stretching at home, however, I always like to pair with some products to make sure that my slimming process could be faster than usual. I have been using the following product for awhile, I really like the concept and the result, so I think it would be good to share my thoughts with you today:)

Methode Jeanne Piaubert Fermeté Arm Lift Care

價錢(Price):HK$730 / 100ml + Sleeves

買呢枝產品會有一對手套送! 對手套係俾你搽完個產品係手臂之後帶,佢入面有特別既纖維,可以強化產品效果。 

(English: When you get the product, it comes with a pair of “leggings” for your arms. They are used right after your application of the product. The materials inside are specially designed to enhance the product effectiveness.)

Product Information:

由於女士們極注重雙臂的美態,所以每當稍有鬆弛及失去彈性的跡象時,女士們便切法遮掩雙臂,以免獻醜於人前。Fermeté手臂緊緻泡沫,具備「緊緻」及 「提升」效果,能收緊及增加手臂彈性,改善及美化手臂線條,助妳趕走橘皮組織 (Bye Bye肉), 為妳的雙臂重拾迷人緊緻美。

使用手臂緊緻泡沬時,配合纖維手套按摩效果更理想,手套透過Cosmeto-textile Technology,能加速活性成分滲透,並有塑形作用。蘊含咖啡因矽烷醇 C ®,通過對脂蛋白酶(Lipoprotein Lipase) 的抑制作用,減少三酸甘油脂的形成和堆積,防止脂肪儲存在細胞內。同時能重建皮膚組織,緊緻肌膚及抗炎。而Caffeine 咖啡因促進脂肪分解和釋放,也有加速消耗熱量的功能。Ginkgo Biloba 銀杏亦能促進脂肪分解。

使用方法: 每天使用一次,將適量泡沫塗抹於兩邊手臂,輕輕按摩直至泡沫完全被吸收後,穿上纖維手套最少20分鐘。

(English: “This cracking foam instantly contours the arms. Apply once a day a small account on each arm. Massage. Put on the microfiber sleeves and keep them on for at least 20 minutes.


Pentalitase™ complex:

Zinc gluconate, Tensine®, Raffermine ®, Centella Asiatica, Caffeine



Before Blending



使用次數(No. of Usage):1 month

用後感: 佢個質感真係超啱夏天用,佢係泡泡狀,推開好涼同埋係好既gel狀,超易吸收!! 同埋推開緊個陣有逼逼拍拍聲,好過癮呀!! 我通常係一推勻之後就會帶手套,我一般都係帶一個鐘頭到。 之後開心既事就黎喇!!! 除咗對手套個下真係覺得對臂好緊,個緊既感覺下維持到成個令兩個鐘呀!! 仲有一個極大既bonus係,咁樣用完d產品對手臂真係超滑!!!掂呀!!! 我用咗一個月到,對手臂實左少少,再加埋我夜晚係咁做stretching,應該好快我可以有對見得人既手臂!!!哈哈!!!我超建議你試呢個產品呀,我覺得你都會愛上佢緊實個感覺!!!嘻嘻!! 想瘦唔可以懶呀,記得要搽野同埋要做運動呀!! 如果真係無時間,係屋企做下stretching都要呀!! 

(English: Product Review: Its texture is perfect for summer. It comes in a bubble format and when you blend it out, it feels really cool and it turns into gel. It’s really easy to absorbed as well!! Also, when you blend it out, you will hear some sound like bubble bursting, it’s really fun!! For me, I use the “leggings” right after applying the product and I usually wear them for around an hour. Then something amazing happens. When I take off the “leggings”, my arms feel so TIGHT!!! The tightened feeling lasts for around 1-2 hours (brilliant eh?). In addition, after you use the products, the skin on the arms feel so smooth to touch – it’s really AMAZING!!! I have been using this for a month and I notice my arms are more tone up than before. To enhance to result further, I do some stretching at the night time and I am sure in no time, I could show off my pair of lovely arms *grins*!!!! Again, if you want to get slim, you can’t be lazy, remember to apply the right product and exercise!! If you have no time to go out and exercise, do some stretching at home will help too!!)

Store Address:

Shop 209, 2/F., Central Building, 1-3 Pedder Street, Central, HK

Methode Jeanne Piaubert Facebook HK: http://www.facebook.com/MJPHK

(the above product information is extracted from http://en.jeannepiaubert.com/)


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