美妝雜貨小敗 Mixed Items Hauling

星期六得閑又過左去旺角行左一陣, 敗左少少必需品.  其實唔敗家我都有好多野未寫, 敗埋就真係要努力d出文出video!  睇下我敗左d咩先丫:

(English:  Last Saturday, I went to Mong Kok to hang around for a bit and I ended up hauling some “necessities” along the way.  In fact, I realize that I have tons of stuff waiting to be reviewed at home, well, now that some more stuff join the family, guess I really have to work hard on writing blog pieces and producing videos!!  Let’s see what I have got:)

Palty Hair Straightener

價錢 (Price): HK$68

我前面d陰又開始有d curly, 但係我又未想去整個頭住, 所以想買野整直前面d陰頂住先.  如果得我就唔洗咁快去整個頭住喇.  不過我星期日朝早試左, 但係唔知係咪因為我手勢唔好, 所以整完d陰都係curly.  但係我會再試下先, 可能下次會好d.  試完我再review啦.

(English:  My fringe got curly these days but I don’t want to spend a few hours sitting in the salon just yet, therefore, I got this to see if it would work on straightening my fringe.  If it works, then I don’t have to go to the salon that soon (yay!!).  Well, I used it on Sunday … hmmm…but my fringe is still curly for some reason.  Ah, maybe it’s because I haven’t got the hang of it yet!  I will try again in the coming days and will let you all know if it works or not on the second time!)

Golden Rose Fashion Color Nail Lacquer

價錢 (Price): HK$18/ 3pcs

呢個係我上網見好多sisters話又平又好用, 所以我就走左去Colormix入貨, 佢有大d既size, 但係就HK$30/ 2pcs同埋唔多色揀, 所以我都係買細細枝過下癮先.  我突然間又好想買甲油, 但係睇黎睇去d色都唔係好特別.

(English:  I suddenly wanted to haul some nail polishes.  I went online and saw some good recommendation on Golden Rose, so I went to Colormix and got some.  They offer a bigger size, but they would be HK$30/ 2pcs and there aren’t many colors to choose from.  I thought I would be better off with the smaller bottles.  Well, I have that urge of buying nail polishes again these days…but I find that not many special colors out there!)

Shinging Eyes Circle Lens 大眼仔

價錢 (Price): HK$100/ pair

呢個我買左無度數, 因為只係想用黎整下妝文/ makeup tutorial, 所以平平地無度數都ok!  另外而加仲睇緊另一d有color既大眼仔 (用黎玩下look咁), 有幾個sisters推介Delight Max.  我諗住遲d配完新眼鏡先睇, 咁個度數會準d.

(English:  This pair of contact lens are of 0 degree as I just want to create some makeup blog piece/ makeup tutorials with them!  I have been looking at different circle lens these days as I want to create some different looks with them.  Many sisters recommend Delight Max to me and I will probably take a look later after getting my new pair of glasses, then I could get the exact degree for the circle lens!)

Fake Eyelashes

價錢 (Price): HK$45/ 8pairs

呢個我見佢真係超濃密所以買左, 我諗用黎整下makeup look都幾好.  真係好勁, 同埋我見佢d毛毛真係做得幾好, 唔錯!  等我用左再同大家分享啦.

(English:  These look so delicate and feather like!  Love it!  I love how thick they look as well!  They would be good for creating some sexy/ dramatic makeup looks!  Let me try them and tell you all how they are!)


價錢 (Price): HK$70/ pair

我見呢pair d色整得唔錯, 所以買左.  我諗住著幾野之後DIY佢變成爛既jeggings!!

(English:  I got this pair of jeggings because I love the color!  I think after wearing it for a couple times, I probably would DIY it into some kind of torn jeggings!  That would be quite fun!!)

好啦, 講住咁多先. 我去試玩甲油喇. 

(English:  Well, that’s it for now!  Let me go and try the nail polishes on!!)

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