Minon Amino Moist from Japan [Sensitive & Dry Skin]

之前去日本買咗幾款Minon Amino Moist既產品,我記得我之前係video應該分享咗其中兩款,呢期皮膚麻麻,所以開哂佢成個系列既產品出黎用,不如今日好快同大家分享一下丫!

(English:  I got a few of the Minon Amino Moist products when I was in Japan, I think I have shared my thoughts on two of the products on YouTube before.  However, since my skin is cracking up these days, I switch to its whole product line and I am ready to share my thoughts with you today!)

Minon Amino Moist Series


Minon Amino Moist Paper Mask: 呢款paper mask之前講過,不過recap下。 我覺得如果皮膚無唔舒服或者好乾係無咩感覺。 如果皮膚乾或者想開始因為乾而起敏感我都覺得唔錯,佢保到濕,敷緊個陣都舒服,敷完唔會過笠同埋退到d紅。 所以我通常皮膚開始乾或者鞋我先佢。 So far so good,但係如果你無皮膚乾到要敏感既問題,我覺得呢款唔啱你用。我最近好似係Sasa見到有呢款paper mask賣。

(English: Minon Amino Moist Paper Mask:  I have talked about this before but I am going to recap it for you.  If you don’t have sensitive or dry skin issues, this is not for you.  If you have dry skin or your skin is so dry to the point that it starts acting up, then I think it’s a nice product.  It hydrates, soothes, reduces redness and is not heavy.  I usually use it when my skin turns really dry or rough.  So far so good.  Just a note: I think I have seen this being stocked in Sasa recently.)

Minon Amino Moist Amino Full Shower: 呢枝我之前都講過,唔錯既一枝保濕噴霧! 佢有d潤架,所以唔好噴咁多(除非你好乾),同埋我覺得噴霧黎講佢都好持久,噴完幾個鐘都仲覺得潤。 又係,如果你皮膚唔乾,唔好用,我怕你會覺得好笠!

(English:  Minon Amino Moist Amino Full Shower: Again I have talked about this before and this is a nice hydrating spray!  It’s heavier than many other hydrating sprays in the market, so please don’t overload (unless your skin is ridiculously dry).  I feel that the moisturising effect is quite long lasting for this kind of sprays, I can still feel it on my skin after a few hours!  Again, if you don’t have dry skin, please don’t even try, I think you will find it too rich!)


Minon Amino Moist Clear Wash Powder: 酵素既潔面粉! 我覺得呢個洗完有d乾同拉拉緊。 加水上面當洗面產品用,洗完係覺得好乾淨,但係過咗30秒我覺得好乾。 呢個產品我麻麻地,但係呢,我又唔想唔用,所以我一星期用佢兩次,之後我跟手敷翻保濕面膜! 我覺得咁樣用都仲可以,日日用就真係太乾。 我唔係好建議呢枝產品!

(English:  Minon Amino Moist Clear Wash Powder: It’s a face wash powder with enzyme!  My skin feel dry after using it.  To use, I add water to the powder and then massage on my face, just as you normally would using a face cleansing product.  Yes it cleans really well, but after 30 seconds, my skin feels so dry!  I am not a fan of this.  In order not to waste it, I now use it two times a week and then I use a hydrating mask right after!  I feel that this is the one way I could use it up, I can’t stand using it every day because it’s simply too drying for my liking.  I am not recommending this product!)


Minon Amino Moist Moist Charge Lotion II: 呢枝我當係toner同,唔錯! 保濕好好,但係又係用多咗會覺得笠啦!!  皮膚好乾個陣用佢係feel到佢比皮膚吸緊,感覺良好! 如果你好乾皮膚既話,我都建議呀! 不過一定要用cotton pad上,咁先平均同唔會過多!

(English: Minon Amino Moist Moist Charge Lotion II: I use this as toner, nice one!  It’s very hydrating and if you overdose it, it will create burden on your skin!  My very dry skin feels like it’s drinking it up when in use, it’s quite a nice feeling.  If you have very dry skin, I would recommend this to you, but please use it with a cotton pad, only then you can spread the products evenly and you won’t apply way too much on your skin!)


Minon Amino Moist Moist Barrier Cream: 好唔錯既一個面霜! 初初見到個名仲以為佢會好厚同笠,又無喎! 佢好易推得開同好易俾皮膚吸收,皮膚乾到唔係好舒服搽咗又舒服左但係又唔會笠!! 我覺得佢個質感真係好唔錯! 我滿意呀!

(English: Minon Amino Moist Moist Barrier Cream: It’s a surprisingly nice face cream!  When I first saw the name, I thought it must be some kind of a heavy cream!  Nah, I was wrong!  It’s easy to spread and absorb.  When skin is annoyingly dry, it seems to hydrate and comforts it without any greasiness.  I really like its texture and I am happy with this product!)

REMARKS: 呢個系列主要係俾敏感肌同埋乾肌,我覺得整體黎講,佢係幫到乾肌做到有效保濕令皮膚舒服d,無咩其他特別效果喇。 但係如果你話皮膚已經出緊敏感,我覺得佢降到少少紅,但係佢唔可以修復皮膚呀,敏感緊通常都會覺得好乾,佢只係可以幫手令皮膚唔好咁乾,但係佢地唔會令你既敏感好翻!呢點要留意!

(English:  REMARKS: This series is for sensitive and dry skin.  Overall speaking, I think it hydrates dry skin effectively without any other fancy functions.  However, if your skin is in the middle of irritation and allergies, it can help with reducing some of the redness on skin but it can’t repair your skin.  Skin is usually exceptionally dry during allergic situations, it can help easing the dryness, but it can’t cure whatever allergies you are having for you.)

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