[化妝] 自然健康Mineral Blush

呢個星期出比較多既試色圖~ 其實我有以下既產品都成個月,但係一路都未有時間好好出一篇文章! 有時又唔想出太多黑咪小店既產品,怕大家以為我淨係講小店既產品唔講其他(點會丫),所以有好多野都係放係度未講。 不過諗諗下,做人最緊要光明正大,我係試過覺得好先入,所以唔應該因為一d人既odd comments或者唔了解我既vision/ passion而影響我分享既進度,所以一口氣出埋先。 之前出左theBalm Instain,顏色包裝都比較鮮明! 今日出LASplash既Mineral Blush,啱比較鍾意自然有健康感既朋友!

(English:  This week, I have been posting quite a few swatches~~  Honestly, I have got the following products for over 1 month, but I haven’t got around to them!  Sometimes I am conscious about posting too many things from Hakme’s Store as some of you might think that I only talk about those products in Hakme’s Store now (nah…..).  Therefore I have got so many things that are sitting at home waving at me hoping to be covered “someday”.  Well, when I think about the issue more deeply, I have been really honest and yes I try everything for a good while before deciding if they should be in the store or not, so I shouldn’t really be affected by occasional odd comments and delay my sharing – they will never understand my passion and vision, so be it!  Right, enough with my mumbling!  I have released the swatches on theBalm a couple days ago, they are more on the bright and fun side of things.  Today, let’s switch to a different perspective – welcome to the more natural and healthy side of things!)


LASplash Mineral Blush
Color: Passion Cove, Barbel, Baby Pink, Hula Girl & Sea Lily


價錢(Price):HK$120/ 2.5g

Buy from 黑咪小店/ email me at iamhakme@hotmail.com

閃/ Shimmer: Passion Cove*, Baby Pink, Hula Girl
唔閃/ Matte: Barbel, Sea Lily

*Passion Cove話係matte,但係唔係呀!! 係閃架!
(English:  *Passion Cove is said to be “matte” but no, it’s shimmery!!”

Swatches/ 試色圖

用後感:LASplash出黎既效果上色得黎好自然! 佢閃個幾隻上面係有highlight同blush效果,一舉兩得! 佢既粉質都係好幼細,上面顏色好自然(我呢度係用多咗俾大家睇個實色,但係你上面用少少就OK,唔夠先再加)。 佢無theBalm Instain咁持久,但係last一個返工返學日係無問題! 價錢抵玩質量又好! 我自己想好自然既日子返工都係用呢隻。 嘻嘻~~

(English:  Product Review:  LASplash’s is pigmented yet looks natural on skin!  The shimmery ones actually offer both highlight and blush effect!  The powder is finely milled, it looks absolutely natural on skin (well, I had to use more than normal amount to illustrate the colors, but in real life, you just dab a bit and then build it to the intensity that you want).  It doesn’t last as long as theBalm’s Instain, however, it definitely lasts a normal work/ school day no problem!  The price is again very friendly with great quality!!  For those days when I prefer looking naturally healthy, I opt for these!!)

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