[保養] Menard Collagen Gold 口服骨膠原飲料介紹

之前我都飲過食過幾個品牌既產品,係時候又試下一d我未試過既品牌! Menard係日本牌子,我之前都用過佢地既綠水,感覺都好好,我知佢出骨膠原飲料都出咗好耐,今期特別想試下佢呢隻得唔得,所以我就敗咗三盒(即係一個月份量)。嗱,我未飲夠一個月,所以今次既文章唔係review,只係介紹下個產品同埋話聲俾大家聽我開始飲緊佢。 我飲完三盒就會同大家分享一下個成果!!

(English: I had been trying collagen drinks / gels from different brands before and I guess it’s time for me to try a “new” brand.  Menard is a Japanese brand, I did try their Beauness Spa Essence before (their star item) and I had a good experience with it.  I know that the brand has collagen drinks for a good while and it’s time for me to try and see if it works or not.  I got 3 boxes (i.e. 1 month’s supply).  Hold on, I haven’t completed the treatment yet so this is not going to be a review.  This is a basic introduction to the product and to let you know that I have started drinking it.  I will definitely review the drink by month end when I complete drinking the 3 boxes!!)

Menard Collagen Gold 口服骨膠原飲料

價錢(Price):HK$298/ box (10 bottles inside)

我好多時行過都見到佢地做promotion, 買幾多盒會平d咁,所以未必要原價買架!!

(English:  I notice that they have various promotions on from time to time, like buy x boxes and get 1 box.  So you might not have to pay the original price!)

Product Information:

“Collagen Gold蘊含十三種營養美肌成份,能與人體互相配合產生“骨膠原三效循環管理效應”,不單只是補充骨膠原,促進人體自行增生骨膠原,更重要是防止體內的骨膠原流失,為肌膚打好最佳基礎。特別適合希望肌膚回復緊緻細嫩、剔透潤澤的人士飲用。”

(English:  Collagen Gold contains 13 kinds of ingredients which are beneficial to skin.  It can replace the lost collagen in the body and also stimulate the growth of the collagen.  It successfully prevents any loss of collagen, which in turn creates flawless skin.)


打開有十枝!! 一盒可以飲十日。 但係我覺得又唔係神仙藥,所以飲十日效果應該唔會太強,就係因為咁我就決定敗三盒,飲夠一個月,咁就可以睇下有無效果再同大家分享喇!!

(English:  There are 10 bottles inside and 1 box would last for 10 days.  I feel that it’s really not magic potion, so I probably won’t see any results in just 10 days, hence my decision to try them for 1 month (i.e. 3 boxes).  Then I could share my thoughts with you!!)


(English:  The Beauty Assistant said that the best time to drink this is prior to sleeping (I usually drink this 1-2 hours prior to sleeping).  It’s because skin would regenerate itself at night time, so the product would work best at night time!)

我最鍾意既就係佢每枝都有寫明expiry date,咁就唔會唔安心啦!!

(English:  I also love the fact that it clearly illustrated the expiry date on each bottle!!!  It certainly makes me feel safe!!)

我到今日為止飲咗大概5日,我覺得佢個味道唔係叫好飲,但係就可以接受。 飲完夜晚我覺得比平時好瞓咗!! 其他美肌效果就要等我飲夠一個月再分享啦!! 哈哈!!

(English:  Till now, I have drunk 5 of them.  I don’t think the taste is fabulous but clearly acceptable.  I feel that I do sleep better at night but for other benefits, I will tell you after completing the treatment *laughs*!!)

另外,我話我之前用過綠水,都係佢地皇牌之一,我覺得都好啱而家天氣用。 你地有興趣可以睇翻下面呢個post啦:

(English:  Also, I said I had used their Beauness Spa Essence before and it’s one of their star items.  I think it suits this weather very much too, if you are interested, please click the link below and read the post:)

[保養] 皮膚抗議時嘅良伴 ♥ 綠水 


Store Address:

Shop B204, K11, 18 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowlooon

Mong Kong
太子道西193 號新世紀廣場地下M09號舖
Shop M09, G/F., Grand Century Place,
No.193 Prince Edward Road West, Mongkok, Kowloon

Causeway Bay
告士打道280號wtc more世貿中心B區P1舖
Shop Area B, Level P1, wtc more (World Trade Centre),
280 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

置地廣場Harvey Nichols
HL 014-015, Harvey Nichols, The Landmark, Central, Hong Kong

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.menard.com.hk)



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