Memebox I’m Eye Shadow Palette in SP02 Night to Day

之前都講過一下其中一件Memebox既產品,今日都係講佢既眼影,不過係呢款Memebox I’m Eye Shadow Palette,無記錯佢係有兩款可以揀,我揀咗呢個我覺得比較特別d既色系。

(English:  I have talked about one of Memebox items before, today I am still sticking onto their eyeshadows but it’s a different one – Memebox I’m Eye Shadow Palette.  If my memory serves me correctly, there should be 2 palettes in the range to choose from and I picked this one because I think the colour combination is less common.)


Memebox I’m Eye Shadow Palette in SP02 Night to Day HK$248
Available at some Sasa

Memebox I'm Eye Shadow Palette in SP02 Night to Day


Memebox I'm Eye Shadow Palette in SP02 Night to Day

Memebox I'm Eye Shadow Palette in SP02 Night to Day

Memebox I'm Eye Shadow Palette in SP02 Night to Day

Memebox I'm Eye Shadow Palette in SP02 Night to Day

上行左一,二,五係matte顏色,其他係閃底。 上行咗一,二,三無其他顏色咁出色,摸落鞋d同埋要畫三至四下先出到圖中既顏色。 而其他顏色就畫一兩下已經出到圖中眼顏色。 其他粉質都唔錯,滑身易blend。 色系無一般大地色咁安全保守,但係我覺得都易用易襯有d變化,同埋我覺得都適合好多唔同膚色或者唔同look去用。 少女d可以用多少少上行既去配搭,下行中間紫色都可以好有girly效果但係唔會眼腫。 如果型d可以多用佢下行顏色去配襯,cool tone warm tone都有,所以我覺得好實用,又唔會覺得好悶。 呢個palette我自己都好喜歡,可能之前用好多大地色,而家我反而鍾意sharp少少多少少變化同顏色,但係大前題係唔好誇張啦,唔係真係好難日常用到! 呢個我大部份顏色都會用,同埋黎緊春夏,呢d色又唔會太黑媽媽,所以我都推薦呀!

(English:  On the upper row, left 1, 2, 5 are matte colours, others are shimmery-based.  Same row, left 1, 2 and 3 are less pigmented, the powder is a bit rouge to touch and it takes 3-4 strokes to give the intensity in the photo while all the other shades are pigmented and it only takes 1-2 strokes to give the intensity.   The powder of the other colours are fine, smooth and easy to blend.  The eyeshadows are a bit more adventurous than the normal earth-tone shades.  I still think all colours are easy to use, mix and match and they offer a bit of a versatility.  I also think that they are suitable for many skin tones and looks.  If you are more on the girly side, you can utilise more of the upper row and the purple in the middle of the lower row adds elegance without making your eyes look swollen.  If you are on the edgy side, you can utilise more of the bottom row, it offers both warm and cool tone, so I think it’s a very practical palette and I won’t be bored with it too soon.  I love this palette, maybe it’s because I use too much of the earth-tone and now I am looking for something sharper.  I still wouldn’t use any shades that are too over the top (I don’t want to look like a clown during the day)!  This palette comes in handy for Spring and Summer as well because it doesn’t have anything which is way too dark, so I would recommend this palette if you like the shades inside.)

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