裸妝無難度 ♥ Maybelline Pure BB. Mineral BB Base

天氣又開始熱, 係時候又要物色下一d新既底妝產品.  之前見Maybelline出左bb base, 試過個texture, 感覺好良好, 但係可惜個color tone對我黎講太白, 所以唯有放棄1188212512_334037.gif.  哈哈, 點知佢今年竟然出多隻色比tanned skin!  你話係咪開心到我暈左!!

(English:  Summer time again!  It’s about time to search for some new products to create a light weight foundation.  I noticed that Maybelline released a BB Base earlier, I tried the texture and fell in love with it, however, the color wasn’t suitable for me.  I had no choice but to give up1188212512_334037.gif.  Haha…this year, they release another color for tanned skin!  Yay!!  How could I not give it a go?)

Maybelline Pure BB. Mineral 8 in 1 Improving BB Base

Maybelline Pure BB. Mineral 8 in 1 Improving BB Base 02 SPF 26 PA+++

呢隻就係新出既02色, 係比擁有自然膚色既人用.

(English:  This is the new release – 02.  It’s for people with natural/ tanned skin color.)

價錢 (Price): HK$99/ 30ml

Maybelline Pure BB. Mineral 8 in 1 Protecting BB Cream SPF50 PA+++

除左出多左 02 呢隻色比自然既膚色外, 佢仲出多左隻白色tube, 呢隻係有SPF50 PA+++, 如果去做一d戶外活動, 呢枝就好suitable喇!

(English:  Apart from the 02 one, they release a white tube one with SPF50 PA+++.  If you are going to do some outdoor activities, this would be suitable!)

價錢 (Price): HK$99/ 30ml

Product Information:

8大益處: 水潤, 彈性, 幼滑, 細緻毛孔, 光采, 剔透, 減淡泛紅, 減淡暗啞

(English:  8 Benefits: Hydrating, improves elasticity, smoothens, tightens pores, adds radiance, adds transparency, minimizes redness, kicks away dullness.)


你見到啦, 推開真係好薄, 薄到唔覺得我搽左野.1188212833_062244.gif

(English:  As you can see, it’s really THIN!  Can you even tell I have put that on1188212833_062244.gif?)

呢隻對我黎講係白左少少, 唔緊要, 呢個問題都唔難解決, 用翻有色loose powder/ bronzing powder tune翻深色少少就ok (點解我之前諗唔到??)!

 (English:  This one is lighter than my skin tone.  No worries, the color could be fixed with some loose powder/ bronzing powder (errhhh…why didn’t I think of it earlier?).)

On Face:

使用次數 (No. of Usage): 1 week

用後感:  佢個texture真係好正!  推開覺得佢好薄同埋好貼, 一d都唔覺得太rich, 上面無chi lup lup既感覺, 反而覺得好light weight.  我當佢係foundation咁用, 搽完佢之後加少少loose powder個底妝就搞掂, 超方便.  我覺得佢係令面色變得更均勻, 同埋有光澤 (佢無閃粉既, 唔洗擔心), 搽完之後個感覺係自然得黎又有好氣色 – 掂!  佢遮瑕力唔算好強, 一般既紅, 佢係遮得唔錯.  黑眼圈黎講都遮到5成.  搽左佢之後毛孔都唔係好覺眼 – 正!  我呢幾日用佢發現佢有另一樣野好值得我讚, 就係佢好long-lasting呀!!  呢幾日天然又焗又熱, 佢都無好快溶掉, 反而last到成日wor – 呢點令我超surprise!  而家我日日返工都用佢,鍾意佢夠方便, 好用同埋價錢親民!!  推呀!!!  如果你有興趣, 就去counter玩下啦!

(English:  After-use Comment:  The texture is fabulous!  It’s really blendable, thin and it stays really close to skin!  It’s perfectly light-weight and it doesn’t add any burden to my skin at all.  I use it as a foundation.  I apply a bit of loose powder straightly after applying this bb base and the “foundation” is done – super convenient!  It evens out my skin tone and adds some radiance onto my skin (it doesn’t contain any shimmer – no worries).  It looks very natural on my skin – love it!  Its coverage is not that high (well, it’s bb cream!!), it covers general redness, 50% of the dark eye circles and most of the pores – not bad!!  Oh, another amazing about about this BB Base is that it’s really long-lasting.  It’s been really humid and hot here in HK, yet, it doesn’t melt away quickly….it stays on for most of the day!! What a nice surprise!!  Now I use it everyday for work – it’s convenient, with good quality and very reasonably priced!  Recommended!!  If you are interested, don’t forget to check out at the counters!!

哈哈…個故事未完.  因為呢個太好用既關係, 我好想同大家分享.  以下呢枝我會用黎做give away (呢隻色係original個隻, 即係for皮膚比較白既人).  點先可以拎佢返屋企?  咁就要留意密切留意我個Facebook Page1188212936_794072.gif!

(English:  Hahaha…this is not the end of the story!  Since it’s such a good product and I would love to share my joy with you, I will be giving the follow away (this is the original one, which means it’s more suitable for people with fair skin).  So, how could you take it back home?  Then you must pay attention to my Facebook Page in the coming days1188212936_794072.gif!!

我知係台灣, 呢隻bb base變左mousse版…唔知佢幾時黎香港呢?  好想試呀!!

(English:  BTW, I know they have a mousse version for this BB Base in Taiwan, I wonder when it will be reaching to HK!  Can’t wait to try…!!!)

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