[化妝] Maybelline The Nudes Palette

好喇,我終於都入咗手喇! 呢個Maybelline既palette唔係香港既regular item,所以淨係某幾個Maybelline counter先有,我又唔係成日過海,所以趁前兩日去Langham Place先去買。 呢款係美國版,係佢地特別揀阻幾款好賣既引入香港某d位置。 見到美國版,我特別醒神,加埋佢係nude色,所以要同大家研究下先得。

(English:  Right I got this finally!!  This is not a regular Maybelline item for Hong Kong, so it’s only available in a few places.  Since I don’t go to Kowloon side often, I took the opportunity to drop by Langham Place and got this a couple days ago!  This is a US version and the company picks a few best selling items in the US and bring them to a few locations in Hong Kong.  Well US version – this is what gets me going, plus it’s nude colors, so I have to investigate!)

Maybelline The Nudes



用後感:以上既圖係無打底同畫咗三下個效果。我覺得佢既上色度係Beauty Cottage(link)同L’Oreal(link)既中間。Beauty Cottage最上色,Maybelline係幾上色,而L’Oreal就好一般啦! 粉質都幼既,但係摸落唔算特別滑。 佢全部顏色都閃閃地,有d閃得多d,有d係微閃,無真正matte color(有d望落以為係matte,但係望真d都有少少閃)。 顏色配答都唔錯,我覺得比較啡少少,但係成個感覺都無偏離,如果鍾意呢類色既朋友應該隻隻用得著。 上眼唔會畫一兩下好出色,要build既,出黎感覺係比較淡一d,所以睇你喜愛! 我自己鍾易超出色,唔細畫黎畫去,但係如果係新手無咁出色會比較容易handle,所以睇下你自己喜好同需要。 如果問我,我會覺得你係老手又愛d顏色好出既話,唔洗買呢盒啦,滿足唔到你。 但係如果你係新手想平平地有好多隻啡nude色練習下先再投資d出色d既顏色呢,呢盒都可以既。

(English:  Product Review: The above swatches are the result from “no primer” and with 3 strokes.  I find its pigmentation is between Beauty Cottage (link) and L’Oreal (link).  Beauty Cottage is the most pigmented, Maybelline is fairly pigmented and L’Oreal is the least pigmented!  The powders are quite fine but they are not specially smooth to touch.  All of their colors have some degree of shimmers, some have more and some have less.  There are no true matte color in it (I thought some were matte, but when I really looked, I found them very slightly shimmery as well).  I quite like the color combination, it’s more brown and a few nudes.  If you like these kinds of colors, you probably will make good use of everyone of them.  When I apply it on my eyes, they are not pigmented with 1-2 strokes, I have to build the intensity and I feel that the finish is quite on the natural side, so it really depends on what you like!  I personally love shadows that are more pigmented and I don’t need to fuzz around building; however for newbies, it might be easier for you to hand, so it’s really up to you.  If you ask me, my comment is that if you love makeup and love pigmented eyeshadows, you don’t need to go for this one because it somehow won’t be able to please you tremendously.  However, if you are new to the field and you want something that’s affordable for practice, this could be a choice!!)

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