Maybelline The Burgundy Bar

之前喺英國入手咗Maybelline呢盒The Burgundy Bar眼影,顏色好似幾靚下,我都唔知香港有無得賣。之前佢d Nude palettes我都講過我覺得質量好一般,唔知呢盒會唔會好d呢?

(English:  I got this Maybelline The Burgundy Bar from the U.K., the colours seem to be attractive!  I am not sure if it’s available in Hong Kong yet… anyway, I had talked about its previous Nude Palettes and I wasn’t happy with the quality.  Let’s see if this one is better!)


Maybelline The Burgundy Bar

Maybelline The Burgundy Bar

Maybelline The Burgundy Bar


Maybelline The Burgundy Bar

Maybelline The Burgundy Bar

Maybelline The Burgundy Bar

Maybelline The Burgundy Bar

呢盒眼影有12個顏色,顏色黎講真係靚! 10隻色係閃,2隻色係唔閃。 有部分都閃得好勁下,所以日常妝容未必用得到,要去party或者夜晚食飯先用到。 其他顏色都易襯易用。 粉質方面摸落鞋鞋地,一d都唔覺得滑,但係就上色! 真係比之前既Nude Palette出色好多。 上圖都係畫一兩下出到既顏色。 因為佢粉質散散地關係,所以有飛粉情況出現,唔好點咁多同埋輕手d就OK。 整體我覺得呢個眼影盤都唔錯,如果要好質量既我唔會建議,但係如果鍾意呢類顏色又想要平價產品既話,都用得過既!

(English:  This palette comes with 12 colours, all the shades look very pretty!  10 of them are shimmery and 2 of them are matte.  Some of them are really glittery, so they might not be suitable for day time use, they can only be used for party or dinner, otherwise one might feel that they are a bit over the top.  The other colours are easy to match and use.  For the quality, the powder feels rough to touch, they are not smooth at all, but they are at least pigmented!  If I have to compare with the previous nude palettes, this is by far pigmented.  In the above swatches, they are the results from one to two strokes.  Due to its powdery nature, so there is a bit of flyaway during application.  Just make sure you don’t grab too much of the powder and apply with a light hand and it should be fine.  Overall speaking, I think this is a nice palette. If you are looking for something with great quality, I wouldn’t recommend this; however if you like the colours and you want something affordable, this could be one of the choices!)

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