Maybelline The Blushed Nudes Palette

我之前同大家分享過Maybelline既The Nudes Palette,玩完個palette感覺唔大。 而家佢又出左The Blushed Nudes Palette,所以我好奇唔知佢formula有冇轉到,所以執咗一粒同大家分享下。


(English:  I did talk about Maybelline The Nudes Palette before, honestly, I didn’t rave about it due to the pigmentation.  Now, they have a new one called The Blushed Nudes Palette, so I was wondering if the formula has changed, therefore I got one to show you.)


Maybelline The Blushed Nudes Palette HK$139




呢盒係一盒算係Rose Gold粉紅tone既palette。  我覺得顏色係唔錯,但係粉質真係好一般,好散同埋唔係好上色。上面係畫兩下既圖,大家都見好多顏色唔係好實色。 上皮膚既顏色大部分係偏淺色。 Somehow,本身我覺得佢The Nudes粉質都好一般,今次我覺得係更加一般,唔會特別推丫。 你地如果想買平價palette,可以睇翻我之前推介:Link


(English:  This is more of a rose gold/ pinkish tone palette, I like the colours, however the pigmentation is just so-so, the powder does feel powdery and they don’t show up too well.  The above swatches are the result of 2 strokes and you can see many of the colours don’t turn out solid.  Most colours show up lighter on skin than in the palette.  Somehow I think the pigmentation of The Nudes Palette is so-so and this one is even more so.  I won’t recommend this.  If you are looking for any drugstore-priced palettes, you can check out the previous blog post I have written:  Link.)


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