Max Factor Masterpiece Nude Palette in 01 & 03

以前好少見到開架品牌有眼影盤,最多都係見到細細盒既4色5色眼影。 而家就越黎越多,之前行Sasa見到Max Factor都出咗8色Masterpiece Nude Palette,所以我職業病發作一定要試下。

(English:  If you remember, we didn’t see any drugstore eyeshadow palettes a few years back, at most we would see those 4-colour or 5-colour ones.  These days, everyone jumps on the palette trend and we certainly have more choices.  A few weeks ago, I went to Sasa and saw Max Factor released these palettes with 8 shades inside, so I thought I would give them a go.)


Max Factor Masterpiece Nude Palette in 01 & 03 HK$168@

Max Factor Masterpiece Nude Palette

Max Factor Masterpiece Nude Palette in 03 Rose Nudes HK$168

Max Factor Masterpiece Nude Palette


Max Factor Masterpiece Nude Palette

Max Factor Masterpiece Nude Palette

Max Factor Masterpiece Nude Palette

Max Factor Masterpiece Nude Palette in 01 Cappuccino Nudes HK$168

Max Factor Masterpiece Nude Palette

Max Factor Masterpiece Nude Palette

Max Factor Masterpiece Nude Palette


Max Factor Masterpiece Nude Palette

如果開架通常顏色選擇方面都唔多同埋都會係比較大路,我覺得OK,因為呢兩盒都係一般人一般平日都會用得到既顏色。 兩盒我都覺得個顏色做得好連貫,亦都好平均有深有淺可以好易化到幾個唔同既look出黎。 粉質方面好滑。 圖中既顏色係畫左三下出黎既顏色,所以都算上色,唯一係用手指或者掃上既時候一拎會拎到好多顏色,所以記得唔好咁大力,唔係會好跌粉,我輕手都無咩呢個問題。 上眼都易blend。 唔。。。我覺得價錢唔係真正好係開架既價錢,HK$168得8隻色,雖然8隻色都幾大格下,但係如果同其他開架品牌去比較,似乎唔係好抵喇。 我覺得質地顏色都係用得過,唔差,但係我有心理障礙係個價錢,我覺得唔係貴但係唔係真係開架。

(English:  For drugstore palettes, it’s expected the colour selection is not great and the shades are usually on the safe side.  For these two, I think it’s for normal people to create a normal day-to-day look.  I can see the consistency in the names and the combination of shades.  It comes with a good selection of both light and dark shades, so it’s quite easy to mix and match a few looks.  For the quality of powder, it’s really smooth to touch.  In the swatches, the intensity comes from 3 strokes, so I can still call these pigmented.  The only thing is that no matter when you use your fingers or brush, it seems to get way too much product and I constantly need to remind myself to dap LIGHTLY to avoid eyeshadows falling on my face.  So, remember to use a light hand.  It’s easy to blend as well.  Hmmm… for the price, is it really that “drugstore”?  HK$168 with 8 colours, even though each shade doesn’t look like a minimal amount; when I compare these to other drugstore brands, these don’t seem to offer good value for money.  Don’t get me wrong, I think the colours and the qualities are nice, it’s just that for that price tag, I could have gotten more varieties from another brand.)

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