[化妝] 全Matte既眼影盤

我係blog都講過好多次,好多公司做閃既眼影都做得好好,但係要做matte既眼影,就唔係咁多公司做得出色,同埋市面上係唔多matte既眼影可以選擇! 其實如果你大年紀,眼開始有紋同埋如果你係好愛自然風,matte既眼影真係好啱!! 今日終於可以同大家分享一下matte既眼影盤喇~~ 哈哈~~

(English:  I had mentioned this so many times: many companies do great in formulating shimmery eyeshadows, but not many get a hang of the matte ones.  Plus, there aren’t many matte eyeshadows to choose from in the market!  Indeed, if you are mature and you start to have fine lines on your eye areas, or you are absolutely into natural makeup looks, matte eyeshadows are a perfect choice!  Finally, I am able to share the following which is palette full of matte eyeshadows! *Laughs*~~)

theBalm Met Matt(e) Nude Palette



Buy from: Hakme Beauty (link)


成個palette有9個顏色! 一般要用到既都係度! 全部都真係一d閃粉都無!


Swatches/ 試色圖




呢三個顏色做自然風或者brown smokey eyes係超正!

(English:  These 3 colors are perfect for natural makeup look or brown smokey eyes!!)




簡單用後感:Matte既eyeshadow真係冇閃既咁buttery,但係我覺得佢都出色,佢出色得黎唔係一畫就超實色(咁會好難handle),佢係加多兩下先會實色d,好容易就build到你想要既實色度! 我覺得咁樣會容易d控制,話哂如果一畫就咁出色,佢d顏色又咁實色,個妝好易會深咗! 我覺得佢都好好blend,好易就做到少少smokey效果。 同埋入面既顏色黎講,都好實用,所有啡色基本上都係會成日用,而d灰色就可以用黎blend smokey! 另外,我覺得如果你屋企好多閃既eyeshadow,而你有時真係唔想好閃,你可以用呢盒入面既顏色同你既閃眼影做配搭,咁就可以tune down翻成個妝容唔好咁閃咁誇(我自己都係咁用!)。 自從拎到呢個palette之後,我就覺得我係無買錯!! 實用度我俾100分!! 哈哈~~


(English:  Quick Review: These matte eyeshadows are a bit less buttery than the shimmery ones but I feel that it’s still pigmented!  The pigmentation is not very solid on the first run (then it would be quite hard to handle), you have to add a couple more times for it to become more solid as a color!  It’s very buildable, so you can easier adjust to the colors that you want!  I feel that it’s easier to control this way, otherwise, you could be ending up with some very solid dark colors on your eyes (not the look that you want)!  It’s also super easy to blend, and you can easily create a smokey effect!  Plus I must say that the colors inside are very practical.  I love all the brown shades and actually I use them all the time!  For the grey tones, you can use these on special occasions to create something smokey and hot.  Also, if you have tons of shimmery shadows at home and sometimes, you don’t really feel like having too much sparkles on your eyes, you can use these colors to tune down the shimmers so that you look more sophisticated and less over the top (yea I do this to mix with other colors myself)!  I am really impressed with this palette and I have to rate it full marks when it comes to practicality!! *Winks*)



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