
唔經唔覺又差唔多用完一隻保濕mask, 又係時候講下佢好唔好喇. 今次既主角係:

(English:  Well well well, another item is used up!  It’s time to talk about:)

Soigne Excellent Barrier Mask 水份提升速效面膜

價錢 (Price): HK$590/ 100g

Product Information:

(English: It soothes and reduce skin stress.  It tackles skin problems like allergy, dehydration and such.  It deeply hydrates and moisturizes skin cells, leaving a long-lasting effect.)

使用次數 (No. of Usage): 1 tube

用後感:  佢既texture係gel狀, 質感唔厚, 過水都唔覺得難洗, 隻味有少少似蜜瓜味.  用落有少少涼涼地, 夏天用感覺都既舒服.  可惜我用完成枝都唔覺得佢保濕能力好強.  我敷完個一下會覺得皮膚好保濕有光澤, 但係呢個效果只係靈光一閃, 過左十令分鐘, 個效果就唔見左, 一d都唔long-lasting.  枝mask係for保濕ga ma, 咁即係話連基本function都做得唔好啦!!  咁既效果再加埋佢個價錢 (雖然佢成日都有promotion, 唔洗用正價買), 我就覺得一d都唔值啦.  其他好既保濕mask又好多, 我就寧願買其他黎用. 
(English:  After-use Comment:  It’s of a gel texture, it doesn’t feel heavy and it’s quite easy to remove with water.  The scent reminds me of honeydew.  When the mask is applied on face, skin feels quite relax as it has a bit of cooling effect.  However, I don’t think its hydrating power is that fantastic.  The minute after I finish using the mask, I notice that my face is hydrated and brightened up.  Sadly, the effect doesn’t last more than 10 minutes.  It’s definitely not long-lasting.  The mask is designed for hydrating but I don’t think it performs its core function that well.  With its price taken into consideration (even though Soigne has many promotion and the original price is seldom paid), I don’t think it’s worth the money at all.  There are many amazing hydrating masks out there, I would rather spend on those instead.)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.soigne.com.hk)

P.S. 呢期都講左好多唔好用既產品 (唔知算係好定唔好呢), 希望都幫到大家慳到d錢啦 (去敗d有用既產品)!!

(English:  P.S.  Recently I have been talking quite a few useless items (not sure if it’s good or bad), hopefully it helps you save some money so that you could haul more of those fab items!)

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