
唔經唔覺我都買左呢隻野好耐喇, 一路都未講既原因係因為我d皮膚唔生性, 成日都唔係好穩定, 我唔想因為自己既皮膚古怪而冤枉左人地d產品 (咁對人地好唔公平jer), 所以我一路都等緊自己d皮膚好d, 試真d先同大家分享.  拿, 你地聽我講綠泥就講得多啦 (回顧按此), 咁如果同Kiehl’s呢隻比, 邊隻好d呢?

(English:  Time flies.  I got this mask for quite awhile, the reason I was holding off the write-up was because my skin was acting funny and it was too unstable to make a decent comment on the product (it wouldn’t be fair, right?), so I was waiting for my skin to be in normal conditions and gave it a few trials.  Well, you have heard a lot about green clay as a deep cleansing mask from me (refresh memory), how about Keihl’s?

Kiehl’s Rare Earth Deep Pore Cleansing Masque

價錢 (Price): HK$210/ 142g

Product Information:

“以自70年代推出而一直深受顧客歡迎的深層清潔面膜為藍圖,加入亞瑪遜白泥,研創出這款全新升級版深層清潔面膜,有助清除污垢及積聚於肌膚表面的死皮,以暢通毛孔,令肌膚回復亮麗、細緻。 使用方法:於潔面及爽膚水後,敷上面膜,避開眼部位置,等待約15分鐘,然後以溫水及濕毛巾徹底清洗。適合任何肌膚每週使用兩次。 主要成份:亞瑪遜白泥、活性石、燕麥、翠葉蘆薈.”

(English: “Our Rare Earth masque helps purify and detoxify skin while minimizing the appearance of enlarged pores. Formulated with Amazonian White Clay to gently draw out oil, dirt and toxins that can clog pores. The addition of Oatmeal and Aloe Vera will help soothe, hydrate and protect sensitive skin.”

使用次數 (No. of Usage): 14 times

  如果你好似我咁係乾性皮膚, 一星期用一次深層清潔面膜就夠喇, 用得太多反而會令皮膚乾.  如果你係混合性/ 油性皮膚, 咁就一星期用兩次就夠喇.  敷完深層清潔面膜, 跟手敷翻個保濕面膜, 咁個保濕面膜會吸收d,同埋又可以補充翻失去既水份.

(English:  Tips on using a deep cleansing mask for different skin types:  If you have dry skin like mine, use a deep cleansing mask once a week.  Using it too often would end up drying skin out even more.  If you have combination/ oily skin types, then twice a week is enough.  After using the deep cleansing mask, follow with a hydrating mask, it re-hydrates skin and it gets to be absorbed better!)

用後感:  Kiehl’s 呢個泥既texture好滑, 感覺唔太杰身, 都好易推得開.  敷呢d深層清潔面膜唔可以太慳, 要搽到見唔到自己d毛孔先會有效.  我覺得佢敷上面有仲涼涼地既感覺.  敷完15分鐘, 都會見到佢乾左, 會有少少緊既感覺, 但係唔係話緊得好誇張.  過水既時候, 好容易就過得乾淨, 唔洗點捽就過得sa喇.  敷完個刻會見到d皮膚即刻亮澤左好多, 好bright!!  同埋都會見到d毛孔好乾淨, 但係又唔會令皮膚覺得乾憎憎.  清潔效果非常好.  因為係皮膚入面既dirt被清除左, 所以毛孔望落都會細緻左.  至於黑頭呢, 就要用多幾次, 先會覺得慢慢少左喇.  So far, 我覺得佢個function做得好好, 令皮膚乾淨得黎又bright左, 但係又唔會好乾.  不過唯一係如果你d皮膚似我d咁, 有時會唔係好穩定, 咁記得係唔穩定既時候唔好用佢住, 因為我試過係個d時間用佢會出少少既粒粒.  但係如果一般黎講, 皮膚無咩特別怪野既話, 用佢係一d問題都無 (我呢期用就無事喇, 仲覺得個效果好好添).

(English:  After-use Comment:  Love this texture, it feels so smooth and it’s not too thick.  It’s easy to blend.  You have to be generous when using a deep cleansing mask.  Apply it on skin till you cannot see your pores – more effective this way.  It has a cooling effect on skin.  After 15 mins, it dries out and I feel a bit of a tightening effect, however, it’s not obsessive!  When rinsing, it’s really easy to remove – you don’t have to rub hard and it comes off.  Skin is definitely so much more brightened up after use.  The pores feel and look so clean and it’s not drying on skin.  I have to say the deep cleansing function is brilliant.  Also because it helps removing the dirt inside the pores, the pores appear to be smaller afterward.  For black heads, you will see the difference after using it for a few times.  So far, I think it works really well.  It deep cleans, it brights and it’s not drying. However, if you have unstable skin conditions, remember not to skip it during those times.  My skin was somehow unstable before and I got a few little bumps on my face after using this clay.  Right now, my skin is in very stable condition and I have no problem using this clay!!)

同綠泥比較:  我覺得各有各好.  如果你唔想mix綠泥粉, 覺得mix黎mix去好煩, 同埋你淨係想要deep cleansing function, 唔想要磨沙function既話, 我覺得Kiehl’s呢隻真係唔錯, 唔貴得黎好effective.  但係如果你係想要平, 同埋你自己鍾意DIY, 又想有少少磨沙function呢, 咁綠泥就會適合你多一d. 

(English:  Compare with Green Clay:  Each of them has winning points.  If you don’t like mixing the green clay powder (think it’s a trouble), and all you need is just deep cleansing function without using it as a scrub, then I think Kiehl’s is for you.  It’s reasonably priced and it works effectively.  However, if you are looking for a bargain, you love DIY and you want to use it as a scrub as well, then green clay powder suits your needs better.)

買野記得諗下自己想要咩野, 咁先搵到心水ga!!

(English:  Remember to understand your needs before you head out and haul something!  By doing so, you are likely to get something that will delight you!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.kimoyo.com & http://www.kiehls.com)

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