[好食] The Market Buffet @ Icon Hotel

好耐都無食過buffet, 突然好想食! 之前Mr Honey公司event去過食The Market既buffet, 佢食完之後大讚多款式同埋好味! 之前上網問過, 見有sis都話過呢間好值得去試!哈, 咁星期六Mr Honey就打電話去問下當晚有無位! 初初佢地話full咗, 咁我都明既, 我地又係突然咗少少。 我地留咗電話, 點知佢地真係晏d打翻俾我地話有位呀!! 哈哈哈!! 好開心!! 當晚即刻去試, 我仲要超興奮添!!

(English:  It’s been a long while since I had buffet and I suddenly wanted to go for one!  Mr Honey went to The Market to have their buffet due to one of the Company’s event, he had been bragging about it since!  I went online and asked around, I saw that a sis recommended The Market as well!!  *Laughs*  On Saturday, Mr Honey made a call to see if they had two seats that night.  At first, they said that it was full booking (totally understand as we were a bit too spontaneous!!).  We left out phone number and OMG the guy called back and said there were two seats available!! *Laughs*  Super happy and I was super excited!!!)

佢地有部酒機分別有4枝紅酒同4枝白酒! 只要你俾HK$180就可以任飲喇! 單杯都要HK$78, 所以如果飲得多既話HK$180都係抵㗎! 我唔飲白酒, 所以唔知d佢地個4枝好唔好飲啦, 但係紅酒就有兩枝都係好飲既!!

(English:  They have a machine which 4 whites and 4 reds are placed inside!  Pay HK$180 and you can drink them without limits!!  A single glass costs around HK$78, so if you are a wine lover, it’s worth HK$180!  I don’t really drink white wine, so I am not sure if the 4 are good, but 2 out of 4 of the reds are brilliant!!)

Appetizers都有好多野揀! 我樣樣都有食d, 味道真係唔錯!! 最欣賞係d cheese, 有我最鍾意既Brie Cheese, 同紅酒一齊真係人生一大享受!! 掂呀!!

(English:  There are quite a few choices in the appetizer section!  I took a bit of everything and they tasted nice!!  I really love the cheese as it offers my favourite – Brie Cheese!!  It has to be the best companion to the red!!  Ahhhh…. Brie Cheese + Red Wine = Blissful Moment in Life!!!  Wonderful!!!)

另外最值得一提既係佢地既海鮮! 如果鍾意食海鮮真係會無限興奮呀!! 全部都好新鮮!!

(English:  I must mention their seafood!!  OMG – good selection and they are very fresh!!!!!!!!)

嘩!! 如果你係生蠔Fans, 我諗你見到呢個counter真係會開心到彈起!!!

(English: Oyster lovers???  You would be really excited when you see this!!!!!!!)

真係超級鮮味! 唔係成日食, 所以份外覺得特別!

(English:  Super fresh!! That was surely one of my special moments!!!!!!!)

另外不得不講呢個虎蝦呀!! 好大隻好掂!!

(English:  Tiger prawns!!!!!!  They are HUGE!!!!)

我係愛蝦之人, 所以見到虎蝦好開心! 我食得高興之餘都不忘影張相俾大家睇下!! 係咪好大隻好爽先? 蝦肉彈牙同埋好有鮮味!! 好正呀!!

(English:  I am a prawn lover, so imagine how happy I am to see something this big!!  All I can say is just that they are really fresh and tasty!!!!!  MORE please!!!!!!!!)


(English:  There are quite a few choices within the main dishes section (not every dish was taken!):)

有小羊扒! 我自己就唔食, 但係Mr Honey話好味!

(English:  There are lamb chop!!  I don’t eat lamb, but Mr Honey said that they were really great!!)

有印度菜啦! 其實我好欣賞呢個buffet係咩菜就係咩味。 好似佢有d泰國野同印度野, 但係唔會係香港味, 個味道真係好近泰國同印度本土既味道!! 我覺得呢點好值得讚!!

(English:  Indian food!!  Actually I really appreciate this buffet in the sense that when it’s a Thai dish, it tastes like Thai flavour, and when it’s an Indian dish, it tastes like Indian!  Many of the times, I find that different dishes in buffet taste like “Hong Kong Flavour”!! Thumbs-up on the authenticity!!)


(English:  Mini Hoinan Chicken Rice!!!  CUTE!!!!!!!!)

到甜品時間!!有好多唔同款式, 做得精緻得黎又細細件, 可以試多d唔同既味道!! 仲要樣樣個味道都好唔錯, 唔太甜呀(我真係好唔鍾意有d甜品為咗叫自己做甜品就甜到糖尿病!!)!

(English:  Time for dessert!!! There is a good selection!  They look great and are in small pieces, which is great because I can try a few more things!!  I find that all of them taste really nice and they are not too sweet (hate those dessert calling themselves desserts simply because they put too much sugar!!!)!!!)

呢個Bread Pudding好掂!! 我食過有d係會出水, 但係呢個唔會!! 味道好好!!!

(English:  Love this Bread Pudding!!  One of the best I have tried!!!!!  Great Taste!!!!!)


(English:  Can’t miss the ice cream for a closure!!!!!!!!!)

仲有原裝生果食添! 幫助下消化!!

(English:  What about some fruit??)


(English:  End the night with Cappuccino – what a wonderful night!!!!)

我地星期六去個價錢係HK$530/ person + 10% Surcharge! 你問我值唔值得既話,我就真係覺得好值得! 食物水準好高, 環境唔錯得黎, 服務都好好!! 又唔係成日都食, 所以我覺得好值得去試試!!!

(English:  It costs HK$530/ person + 10% Surcharge on Saturday.  If you ask me, “is it worth it?”  I would say YES!  Good quality on food, nice environment and good service!!!  I don’t go to have buffet everyday, so it’s worth a try!!)

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