[化妝] Marc Jacobs Style Eye-Con No. 7 Palette 206 The Lolita

想試咗Marc Jacobs既化妝品好耐啦,但係香港未有,所以無咩機會買得到。 外國既網站又好似唔ship黎香港,所以無得揀既情況下,都係等有朋友過開美國歐洲先叫佢地打救。 呢期有朋友出trip,我講都無講我想叫佢幫我,佢就自己幫我抬哂翻黎。 好開心! 哈哈~~ 未來都會一路講下佢地d產品! 但係要買呢,就可能要揾代購或者朋友幫手喇~~

(English:  It’s been a good while since I wanted to try Marc Jacobs’ products, however, like almost everything else, they are not available in Hong Kong, so I didn’t get a chance to haul them.  And the worst part is that I don’t seem to be able to get them online and then ship to Hong Kong.  Well that left me with no choice so I was waiting for some friends to drop by USA/ Europe and I might be able to get my hands on them.  Well well well, my friend was on a business trip and hauled the bunch for me without me even asking – this is a brilliant friend *laughs*!!  Be prepared that I will be showcasing their products going forward, but if you want to get them, I guess you will need to ask for some help from your friends~~)

Marc Jacobs Style Eye-Con No. 7 Palette 

Color: 206 The Lolita

價錢(Price):USD59 (from Sephora)

佢有幾隻顏色揀,我朋友幫我揀咗呢隻同另一隻色。 但係我想話呢唔知係我呢盒有問題定係咩,個蓋合唔實丫!!! 我遲d開埋另外個盒再研究下。 幾百蚊買盒眼影個蓋合唔實,唔知好嬲定好笑~~

(English:  This palette is available in a few colors, my friend picked this and another one for me.  I am not sure if it’s just mine or what, the lid doesn’t close really well!  I need to dig out another one of mine to have a closer look.  I am not even sure if I should laugh about the lid or get really angry with the lid as I feel that the packaging is somewhat cheap~~)


左一至左三都係matte color,左四係超閃色,而左五至七就係閃底顏色。

(English:  Left 1-3 are matte colors, left 4 is glittery color and left 5-7 are shimmery colors.)

用後感: 顏色黎講係唔錯,有淺有深有閃有唔閃,natural色系黎講變化都幾多。 上面既圖係無打底畫兩下出黎個效果,好上色,好creamy幾好blend。 左四呢個顏色係超飛粉,反而其他就無。 顏色質素我都滿意,唯獨係個蓋合唔埋我有d唔高興啦,就算淨係我呢盒係咁我覺得quality control都要做好少少,因為唔係平價產品,我咁多年用咁多平同貴眼影都無咁既情況,雖然包裝都係黑色,但係我都感覺係cheap膠丫~~講真,d顏色係OK,不過問心就唔算好特別同好驚喜,如果大家好鍾意呢個品牌同試佢呢款palette我覺得OK好用既,但係如果大家只在乎個顏色既話,市面上都有幾多類似既顏色啦~~

(English:  Product Review: The colors are nice and with the varieties of dark, light, matte and shimmery colors.  For natural colors, they are quite versatile.  The swatch above is the result from no primer and with 2 strokes, so you can tell the colors are pigmented, creamy and easy to blend.  Left 4th color is a “flyaway” color whilst the others don’t seem to have such problem.  I am happy with the eyeshadows themselves but I am not happy with the lid, even though I might be the only one with the issue, I feel that the quality control should be a lot better because we are not talking about cheap products here.  As you know I am an eyeshadow junkie and I have used many affordable and expensive eyeshadows but I seriously haven’t come across something as ridiculous as this.  Right, the packaging might be black, but I feel that it’s still cheap plastic~~  Honestly, the colors are great, but they are not special nor surprising.  If you love the brand and would like to try the palette, I think you will enjoy it, however, if you are just looking for similar colors, then I am sure there are other options in the market~~)

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