The Makeup Tools that I Use (Almost) Everyday – The Essentials

科技每日都在變,所以係beauty world成日都會有新野出現。 無論係黑咪店定係online,我收得最多既問題都係:究竟我應該用咩工具去化妝。今日我就同大家分析一下我每次化妝都用到既化妝工具。 你唔需要用一樣既品牌,我只想話你知佢地幫我做到咩效果,我希望你從而可以根據你自己既化妝習慣需要而揀到適合你既化妝工具。

(English:  With technology going forward, sometimes we all get confused with the “new-ness” every single day, I seem to receive a lot of questions on what makeup tools to use either in store or online, so today let me decode mine for you.  I have been using these types of tools every time when I do my makeup.  You don’t need to use the exact brands, I am just telling you what my essentials help me to achieve, and in turn I hope you will be able to choose according to your makeup habits and needs.)

我地由左至右去睇啦。 美妝蛋係我上粉底多數都會用既工具,我貪佢夠快夠貼。 而牙刷掃,我用佢黎上一d比較水狀既粉底。 我之前已經有講過兩者既用法同分別,所以我今日唔長氣,如果你miss左,可以按此。左三係一枝碎粉掃,我有定妝習慣,所以我一定需要,我揀既都係毛質軟抓粉力高而掃頭係比較大既設計,因為我面大,如果唔夠大既話,我要用好多時間同埋我覺得d碎粉會無咁透薄無咁平均。

(English:  Let’s look at each one from left to right.  Beauty Blender – this is my usual tool for applying foundation, I like how quick and how it can help me to build coverage.  Toothbrush-looking brush, I use this to apply any liquid-y foundation.  I have actually talked about my thoughts on the difference between using these two tool, I don’t want to repeat myself today, so if you have missed my previous blog post – please check it out here.  The 3rd on the left is a powder brush, I like to set my makeup with loose powder, so this is a must for me.  I usually pick something soft with good powder grabbing ability.  I also like my powder brush to be quite big because I do have a big face, so I can finish setting my makeup quicker and also I feel that it helps to distribute the powder more evenly on my face.)

左四係光影掃,如果你有搽光影既習慣先用,無就skip。 我覺得呢d尖尖地既頭幾好用,因為佢可以將光影放係重點位,可以好精準,因為如果光影位置唔啱,隨時變左另外一樣野(比人誤會為油光滿面)。左五我有兩個用途,所以我有兩枝,一枝係用黎上胭脂,另一枝係用黎上陰影。 一枝做晒兩樣得唔得? 無話唔得,不過你要係兩者之前洗一洗掃,唔係你個胭脂會變啡色,你個陰影會mix左你胭脂既顏色,唔係你想要既look喎。 我覺得有角度呢個幾好,容易用亦都唔會太大,又係啦,兩個step我都要精準。

(English:  The 4th on the left is a highlight brush, if you don’t have this highlight/ strobing habit, you can skip this one.  I like the pointy head because it can help to land the highlight at the exact area.  It does a precise job!  If the highlight is not placed correctly, then it will totally turn into something else (you might be mistaken to have an oily face instead of glow-y skin).  The 5th one on the left now – I have 2 purposes for it, therefore, I have 2 of the same brush.  One for blush and another one is for contouring.  Well some of you ask, “is it possible to do two things with just 1 brush?”  I wouldn’t say it’s impossible but you need to clean your brush in between, otherwise, your blush will turn brown and your contour will be a bit pinky – I don’t think that’s the look you are going for!  I like this angle one because it’s easy to use and it’s not too big.  Again, I need precision when it comes to my blush and contour.)

左六係blending brush,可以用黎上淺色眼影搽成個eyelid,亦都可以用黎blend鬆眼影條邊等無咁實色,我覺得如果你會搽眼影,呢款掃係必要,佢令我既眼妝自然好多。 左七係扁平眼影掃,係可以pack深色既眼色落眼摺位置,我亦會用佢上少少眼影係下眼線。 呢枝好個人,如果你唔玩深色,唔玩幾個色既眼影look既話,你都可以skip。左八,最後一枝,我又係有兩枝,佢係斜角眼線掃,我本身唔用gel eyeliner,但係我用佢1. 上眉粉 2. blend畫好咗既眼線(只適用於blend筆狀眼線)。 頭夠細,有斜角,所以呢d咁微細既位置就啱晒喇。

(English:  The 6th on the left – I use this to apply lighters eyeshadows across my eyelids or I use this to blend my eyeshadows so they don’t look too stiff and solid.  If you are into eye makeup, this type is a must because it does make your shadows look so much more natural and soft.  The 7th one on the left is a flat eyeshadow brush.  I use this to pack darker colours on my non-existence double eyelids and I also use this to apply eyeshadows on my lower lash lines.  I think this one is optional.  If you are not into any dark colour eyeshadows, nor mixing a few eyeshadows to create a look, you can definitely skip.  The 8th one on the left and also the last one, I have 2 the same again!  It’s an angled eyeliner brush.  I personally don’t use gel liner, but I do use this brush for 1. applying brow powder and 2. blend my eyeliner (only applicable to the eyeliners are drawn by pencil).  The head is very small and it has a good angle, so it’s great for the very precise job!)

好喇,大家都見啦,我唔係用好多野去化我日常既妝,但係有呢d工具幫手確實係令我化得快d同精準d。 因為方便,所以我唔覺得化妝好麻煩,反而我又幾enjoy化完似翻個有血色既人個感覺。 希望睇完之後大家都揀到自己適合既工具啦。

(English:  Right, as you can see, my tools are not complicated and everyone of them has a purpose.  These help me to achieve my makeup every single day in a speedy and precise manner.  Using them offers me convenience too, so I never think putting on makeup is tedious. On the contrary, I really enjoy the finish result because usually I look more like a human being than a zombie.  So hopefully after reading this, you will be able to locate your own essential makeup tools as well.)

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