Makeup | Korean Girly Girl 韓系甜美妝容

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今次呢個化妝,我真係超級滿意!! 你地話以後拍多d呢d化妝品片好唔好? 特別要提一提我呢條片入面既大眼仔, 因為我真係太鍾意佢喇!!

(English: I really love the makeup look this time!!  What do you think about me producing more makeup videos?  I want to specially mention the color contact lens inside the video here because I just love them so much!!)

Cocopiel Sky3color Gray 

價錢(Price):Now USD21.5

Buy it from: 

(international shipping available)

呢間韓國base既website真係超多color con揀! 佢哋既con全部都係Made In Korea,所以可以好安心!! 我呢對係可以帶6-12個月。 佢地亦都有1 day既可以俾大家去選擇!! 我自己好愛灰色con,因為我覺得帶出黎少少藍藍地真係好神秘!! 你睇下我個效果:

(English:  This is a Korean based website and they offer so many different varieties of color contact lens!!  All of them are made in Korea as well, so no worries on that!!  Mine can be used for 6-12 months and they also have 1 day ones available for you to choose.  I am personally in love with gray contact lens because I love the bluish effect and it sort of brings out the mysterious side of the person!!  See the effect as follows:)

好靚呀!! 同埋我覺得佢好好帶!! 我平時少帶con係因為我成日會眼紅同埋我帶一陣會好頭痛! 但係我超愛呢對,因為我覺得佢俾香港買到既contact lens薄少少,我帶完無好眼紅同埋頭痛。 個款色又靚得黎唔係好誇張!! 好正!! 就係因為佢咁掂,所以我都另外揀咗其他顏色,諗住用黎拍片!!
我揀咗對啡色同埋粉紅色(係呀,我之前已經好想買,但係成日都睇唔啱,我覺得好特別呀!!), 好想快d收到又拍下化妝video!!!! 真係好掂!!
如果你都鍾意帶大眼仔,我好建議你去睇下佢地個store,d款真係多得好緊要, 超級多選擇!!

(English:  Very pretty!!  And I find them really comfortable as well!!  I don’t usually wear contact lens because my eyes get red very easily and they tend to give me a serious headache after a little while!!  But I really love these because I feel that they are a bit thinner than the ones that are available in Hong Kong and I haven’t come across any seriously red eyes and headache!!!  The color is lovely but subtle at the same time!!  Brilliant!!  Due to the fact that I am falling in love with them, I have also chose other colors like brown and pink (yes PINK!!  I have been wanting them for so long because they are more special) for my future makeup tutorials!!  I really want to get them soon so that I could start creating different looks!!!  Brilliant!!  If you love color contact lens, I highly recommend you to check out their store because there is a HUGE selection!!!)



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