嘩! 又平又好用既防曬 + Makeup Base!!

呢個產品買左無耐, 但係真係急不及待要同大家分享.  係咩, 我要咁心急?  之唔係我之前係video講過既:

(English:  I got this product very recently and I couldn’t wait to share my comment with you all!  What’s it?  Why I am so excited?  It’s something I have talked about in one of my videos:)

L’Oreal UV Perfect Moisture-Fresh SPF30 PA+++

價錢 (Price): HK$138.9/ 30ml

Product Information:

(English:  It effectively blocks UVA & UVB rays.  Not only it helps to prevent skin to get dark, it also prevents the formation of dark spots and skin from aging.  Also, it has a cooling effect when used on skin.  It helps to moisturize skin and it’s light on skin.)


使用次數 (No. of Usage): 7 times

用後感:  好感動呀!  又一樣好野!  先係我好鍾意佢係防曬 + Makeup Base二合一, 而家咁熱, 邊個會鍾意搽10個layer上塊面度丫, 淨係踏出門口都溶sa啦.  呢隻產品就好方便啦, 朝早洗完面用, 就有sa防曬同makeup base既效果.  佢個texture好得意, 唔係一般既lotion狀, 係有少少souffle既質感.  搽落面個陣會有dd清涼既感覺, fit sa而家咁熱既天氣!  佢好易比皮膚吸收, 搽完唔會覺得chi lup lup, 反而覺得幾保濕同埋摸落塊面好滑.  之後再用foundation黎化妝都覺得有d”線”手, 哈哈.  同埋搽foundation個陣唔會捽到一粒粒野係面, 正!  佢makeup base個function真係做得幾好, 佢幫到個妝overall keep得唔錯, 咁熱都唔會好快溶sa!  當然啦, 佢個防曬度數(SPF 30)都好suitable for 而家呢d天氣, 唔太多又唔太少.  仲有, 佢係有少少香味, 但係唔太勁, 幾清香下!  再加埋佢個價錢超級親民, 有咩理由唔感動呢?  推推推呀!  我自己就好鍾意呢個product, 真正做到平靚正!  如果你地想搵隻防曬+makeup base既話, 快d試下呢隻丫 (嘻嘻, 我又燒你地喇!).

(English:  After-use Comment:  I am so TOUCHED by this product – definitely another goodie!  First, I love the idea that it’s a sunscreen + makeup base in one.  Who would like to put 10 layers on face in times of this super hot weather?  If you do, your makeup and such are gonna melt once you step out of the house anyway!  This product offers convenience.  I use this after washing my face in the morning and I have a dual effect!  Its texture is very interesting, it reminds me of souffle instead of those traditional textures.  It has a slight cooling effect on skin as well, just perfect for summer time!  Also, it’s really easy to be absorbed into skin, it feels light on skin and skin is soooo smooth afterward!  I follow with a foundation and I find that it offers a very good preparation for my foundation to slide on!  Hahaha.  Wonderful!  I am quite amazed with its makeup base function since it helps to the overall makeup last longer.  Of course, its SPF 30 is a good sunscreen degree as well, it’s just right for an everyday usage, again perfect to use during this time of the year.  What’s more, it has a slight refreshing scent and its price is so reasonable!  What’s there not to love about this product?  Highly recommended!  I personally love this.  If you are looking for a sunscreen + makeup base in one, try this (oooppsss… I become a devil again *laughs*)!)

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