[化妝] Makeup Acedemy Undressed Palette Vs Urban Decay Naked Palette

上個月有網友係Twitter話我聽佢係英國, 問我有無野想買。 同埋佢話英國有好多人都講話英國品牌Makeup Academy (MUA)既Undressed Palette係Urban Decay Naked Palette既平價版, 佢覺得我都會想試同review, 問我要唔要! 難得有人咁了解我, 我就叫佢幫我買咗呢個MUA Undressed Palette同埋兩盒Sleek Makeup既Palette喇!

(English:  Last month, an online friend talked with me on Twitter and mentioned that she was in the UK, asking me if I wanted anything.  She also told me that in UK, many people were praising a UK brand – Makeup Academy (MUA) Undressed Palette, saying that it’s a dupe of Urban Decay Naked Palette!  She thought that I would want to give it a try and probably review it!  Ha…it’s really cool that she understands me so well, so I bothered her to get me this MUA Undressed Palette and two other Sleek Makeup Palettes!)

不過我真係無咩記性, 我玩過幾玩之後放抵咗, 同埋完全唔記得自己未出文分享下~ 前兩日我見到佢先醒起, 所以拿拿聲影咗相先, 唔係一陣又無咗件事!! 我真係要食下d野補下個腦先~哈哈! @.@

(English:  My memory doesn’t serve me well though.  I played with the MUA Undressed palette for a few times and then I completely forgot that I had to write about it!  A couple days ago, it was sort of waving at me and I suddenly remembered!!!  So, I went, got my camera and started shooting pics!  Well….I think I would need to take something to enhance my memory!! *Laughs* @.@)

今日除咗分享我覺得呢盒palette好唔好用之外, 我仲會比較下佢同Urban Decay個Naked Palette, 睇下係咪真係咁正先! 先黎比較下d顏色!

(English:  Apart from sharing my comments on the palette, I would do a comparison with Urban Decay Naked Palette as well, to see if it’s a real dupe!!  Let’s compare the colors now!)

Makeup Academy (MUA) Undressed Palette Vs 
Urban Decay Naked Palette

價錢(Price):MUA Undressed Palette: 4GBP Vs UD Naked Palette: US$50


比拼感想:價錢方面一定係MUA Undressed勝出啦! 個價錢真係平到笑! 如果講顏色, 你見兩盒望落既顏色真係九成九相似, 上手既時候(全部冇用野打底), 好明顯UD Naked Palette就出色好多。 UD Naked Palette係隻隻色都出色,個quality consistency做得好好, 但係MUA Undressed就係深色出色, 淺色/matte既色就無咁出色喇! 但係如果drugstore黎講, MUA Undressed都唔差, 只係深色比較出而淺色就無咁出!如果你有budget而你又鍾意d色, 我一定會叫你買UD Naked Palette, 因為實用性好高之餘, 出色度係一流! 但係如果你讀緊書無咩budget, 同埋你唔係太好呢類顏色, MUA Undressed個盒會啱d, 不過你要有心理準備, 淺色個d顏色你要點多d先會上色!雖然平野都有好野, 但係有時都係一分錢一分貨呀!

(English:  Comparison Comments:  Price-wise, MUA Undressed must win!  The price is super friendly!  Color-wise, when you look at the two palettes, they almost look identical.  When I apply the colors on my arm (no primer was used), obviously, UD Naked Palette is more pigmented.  Every color from UD Naked Palette is pigmented and there is a consistency on quality!  However, for MUA Undressed, the deeper colors are more pigmented than the lighter/ matte colors.  However, for drugstore brands, I think MUA Undressed is not of bad quality, is quite decent actually, it’s just that the deeper colors are more pigmented than the lighter colors, that’s all!  If you have budget and you love these kinds of colors, I would highly recommend you to get UD Naked Palette, because it can be used everyday (if you are not a colorful person) and the pigmentation is brilliant!  However, if you are studying or don’t have much budget, and you are not too keen on these kinds of colors, the MUA Undressed would be a better choice.  Be prepared though, that it takes more than a few strokes to get the lighter colors on board your eyelids!  Well, even though there are good stuff with a cheap price tag sometimes, some other times, paying more means better quality!)

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