Major Giveaway: Swiss Balance Deluxe Travel Set x 10 sets

話說有日好驚喜收到Swiss Balance既email, 話想多謝我成日寫佢地既產品 (又講明先啦, 佢地初初送過product比我用, 但係之後個d都係我敗翻黎, 我無收錢丫.  你地都知我寫review都講良心, 好用就好用, 唔好用就唔好用…好喇, 聲明講完! 哈哈!).  我諗左一陣就reply佢地話, “其實我都試過好多你地既產品喇, 但係你地既產品偏貴, 我d讀者唔係個個都負擔得起, 加上我覺得佢地未試過用你既產品, 唔係好confidence去敗.  不如你sponsor我d讀者啦, 咁可以多d人試你d野ma!”  好開心, 過左兩日我收到個reply話, “好”.  佢地無講話會sponsor咩, 但係當我去拎個陣, 我嚇左一跳, 心諗, “乜咁貴重既?”  返到公司開黎睇, 好正wor, 原來有10 sets以下既產品呀:

(English:  Surprisingly, I got an email from Swiss Balance one day saying that they wanted to thank me for mentioning their products (well I have to stress again that they gave me a couple freebies before, but the recent ones, I bought them myself.  I am not associated with the brand in anyway.  You all should know by now that I write with my heart when I do reviews, if it’s good, it’s good; if it’s not, I’d tell you…well the disclaimer is over now!! Haha!!).  I thought for a brief moment and replied, “Honestly, I have tried quite a few of your products, however, your prices are on the high side and I am sure not everyone can afford to try them, plus if they haven’t tried your brand before, they are not confident to spend that much.  How about sponsoring my readers instead?  This would enable more people having a chance to try your goodies!!”  I was very happy when I received a favorable reply.  They didn’t mention about what they would sponsor but when I picked up the stuff, I thought, “why the hell is the bag so heavy??”  I immediately opened the bag up when I arrived at work and I was pleasantly surprised with what I saw – 10 sets of the following:)

Swiss Balance Deluxe Travel Set


10 items included in each set:
Swiss Balance C Plus Ultra Firming Night Cream x 15ml
Swiss Balance Overall Makeup Remover x 50ml
Swiss Balance Eye Contour Gel x 10ml
Swiss Balance Moisture Lift Mask x 10ml
Swiss Balance C Plus Regenerative Eye Contour Sample
Swiss Balance DNA SPF 30/ PA+++ UV White Moist Sample
Swiss Balance Silver Line Whitening Active Cream Sample
Swiss Balance Silver Line Lightening Eye Contour Sample
Swiss Balance Silver Line White Pearl Performing Radiance Serum Sample
Swiss Balance Silver Line Whitening Light Mask Sample

係咪好開心呢?  我見到都開心丫.  嘻嘻.  咁見到有咁多野, 係咪好想知道點樣可以拎走佢?  好簡單jer:

(English:  Very happy?  Yea I am very delighted when I see all the products!!  Hehehe!!  Wonder how you could bring them home?  Very simple – read on:)

How to enter:
1. Like “黑咪” Fan Page
2. Share the post on your wall
3. Like the post
4. Leave a comment (on my Facebook Page): I want to try Swiss Balance Products!

Deadline: August 21st, 2011 at 5pm

10 Winners will be announced on August 21st, 2011 at 8pm

No postage fee will be charged!

好喇, 非常簡單, 快d去留言啦!!  Good luck!!

(English:  Very simple!!  Act fast to leave a comment!  Good luck!!)

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