Magic Wand for Fuller & Longer Eyelashes

近排好多sis都鍾意chi假眼睫毛, 你地唔見我多講原因係我好少用.  點解? 如果唔係好輕身個d, 我chi左會覺得好唔舒服.  所以我通常都係留翻有咩喜慶時既時候先會玩下.  我自己鍾意搽mascara多d, 感覺自然又舒服d.  前兩個星期我去左CitySuper行, 見到呢枝野, 覺得好得意, 所以買左黎玩:

(English:  Many sisters love to wear fake lashes.  You don’t hear me using those much.  Why?  Because I find them uncomfortable on the eyes if they are not super light.  Therefore, I only use them on special events.  I love applying mascaras instead.  To me, it’s just a more comfortable and natural choice.  A couple weeks ago, I went to CitySuper and found the following.  It looked fun so I gave this a go:)

Divaderme Lash Extender Lashes in a Bottle

價錢 (Price): HK$220/ 9ml (@ CitySuper) & HK$200/ 9ml (@ Mi Ming Mart)

Open Up:

佢有一枝lash extender同埋一個小掃.

(English:  It comes with 1 lash extender and 1 small brush.)


(English:  Ohhh….so many fine fibers inside!!)
Product Information:



待它尚未乾透時,打開睫毛增長纖維, 將多餘的纖維”fing”走,然後均勻地以”碌”的方式掃在睫毛上,

纖維,維他命b5, viatmin E,羅勒萃取

(English: Lashes in a bottle.  Divaderm’s secret to perfect lavishly long full beautiful lashes.  Instantly brush-n lash extension that add hundreds of tiny natural lash fibers enriched with panthernol.  Simply apply in between coats of your favorite mascara, or use with our “Mascara Diva” for fabulous results.)

效果/ Results:



使用次數 (No. of Usage): 1 week

用後感:  初初用見佢有咁多好細既fibers都驚會唔會入眼, 但係用咁多次都無事!  個使用方法聽左可能會覺得好麻煩, 好似要搽咁多野咁.  但係其實係比想像中方便.  搽完佢之後會發覺有d毛毛跌左落眼肚位, 用佢個小掃掃兩下就會唔見sa喇.  唔煩ga!  我覺得佢做到好濃密同埋加長既效果.  我覺得佢濃密個方便真係做得好好.  搽完之後覺得自己多左好多眼睫毛 (笑) 同埋好似上面張相咁, 無化眼妝就咁用佢都覺得隻眼精靈左.  如果唔鍾意化眼妝既sister都可以利用呢枝magic wand令自己對眼更有神.  用呢枝都有度好既就係佢好易remove!  唔洗好似假眼睫毛咁要”滅”, “滅”得多眼皮鬆左仲慘!  呢隻野只要用平時d eye makeup remover落左佢就得喇.  我自己就好鍾意呢枝magic wand, 感覺自然, 舒服, 效果又靚!  正!!
(English:  After-use Comment:  At first, I was afraid that the fibers would go into my eyes.  After a few applications, I know my worry was not valid.  Well, when you first read the instruction, you must be thinking, “so much work!”.  But I can assure you it’s not that complicated.  After application, you’d find some of the fibers on the under eye areas.  All you have to do is just use the small brush and brush them away.  No hassle!  It helps lengthening and volumizing lashes.  I especially love its volumizing effect!  After application, I find that I have so much more lashes *laughs*!  Just like the above photo, it adds sharpness to the eyes even without any eye makeup.  So, it’s great for sisters who doesn’t like applying eye makeup at all.  Also, the fibers can be easily removed with eye makeup remover.  It’s not like you have to tear the fake lashes away.  Well, imagine you do the tearing action everyday, I can assure you that your eyelid areas will lose their elasticity in no time.  I personally love this magic wand.  It’s natural, comfortable and with great results!  Recommended!!)

P.S. 我返屋企搵下呢隻野既資料, 原來Erica Yuen之前介紹過, 如果你想睇真d點用呢枝magic wand, 可以望下佢個video丫:

(English:  P.S.  I went back home and did a search on the product.  I discovered that Eric Yuen mentioned it before.  If you want to have a closer look on how to use this magic wand, you can take a look at her video:)

(the above product information is extracted from &

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