尋找替代顏色: MAC Eyeshadow in Amber Lights

前兩年聖誕節買咗一個限量版Givenchy九宮格眼影,其中一個顏色我超級鍾意,每次化眼妝都用佢嚟做打底色。鍾意嘅嘢都有用完嘅一日,所以我一直尋覓一隻類似嘅單色! 我諗我喺MAC搵到喇,今日同大家分享下。

I got a Givenchy Limited Edition Palette a couple X’mas ago and one of the shades became my favourite.  I used it as the base colour every time I do my makeup, hence the hitting pan situation!  So I was on the hunt for something similar and I think I found it in MAC, let me share that with you.

MAC in Amber Lights

MAC Eyeshadow in Amber Lights HK$170

唔係一模一樣嘅顏色,但係非常近似。Givenchy帶多啲啡色,而MAC in Amber Lights就帶多啲金色。 其實我之前喺Addiction都買咗兩粒單色諗住用嚟打底(如果錯過咗可以按此睇返),但係因為我健康膚色,所以上眼之後比較淺同白,配搭其他顏色還好,但係單用完全唔得。

They are not identical, but very similar.  Givenchy’s is leaning more on the brown side whereas MAC in Amber Lights offers more of a gold tone.  Actually I bought two singles from Addiction before thinking that they could be my base colours (if you miss the post, click HERE to read), but after trying them on my lids, they look a bit faint and white due to my tan skin.  I think mixing them with other colours is fine, but using them alone on my lids is a NO NO for me.


而MAC in Amber Lights呢隻上咗眼之後係有少少金金地啡啡地嘅顏色,但係單搽嘅時候就會比Givenchy光感多啲,冇咁暗沈。 同埋呢個單色就咁搽唔搭其他顏色嘅話都好精神好fresh,所以我更加鍾意MAC in Amber Lights呢個顏色。

For MAC in Amber Lights, it looks a bit gold and brown on the lids and when it’s applied alone, it offers more brightness than Givenchy’s.  It makes me look more awake and fresh, just on its own, so I have to say I love MAC in Amber Lights even more.

如果你係健康膚色又鍾意自己嘅妝容係比較啡啡金金但係唔會搞到自己膚色暗黃嘅話,MAC in Amber Lights呢一個顏色應該好啱你,你可以去睇吓。 我買完返嚟幾日,已經每次化妝都用佢打底,我覺得呢粒我應該係會可以用到見底!

If you have tan skin and you like those Goldie-Brownie eye makeup without making you look dull and yellow, go check this out.  I got it for a few days and I have already been obsessing it every time I do my makeup.  I think I will hit pan with this one too!  

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