一條我第一時間回購嘅唇膏: MAC Brick-O-La

我相信大家同我一樣,過往嗰幾年清空咗自己放唇膏嘅櫃桶。 而家我全力準備回復正常,所以都買咗好多化妝品護膚品陸陸續續同大家分享。 而其中呢一樣嘢唔係新嘢,係一枝我呢幾年一直好掛住嘅唇膏顏色 – MAC Amplified Cream Lipstick (Colour: 102 Brick-O-La),而尋日我都去回購咗。 雖然唔係新品,但係如果係唇膏鍾意到特別一隻顏色要回購嘅話,我覺得要寫一個blog post同大家分享吓。

I believe, just like me, you did clear your lipstick drawer in the past few years.  Since I am on full force to prepare for the 100% normal life, I got quite a few skincare and makeup products for review these days.  One of the items is not something new, it’s a REPURCHASE!!  It’s MAC Amplified Cream Lipstick in No. 102 Brick-O-La.  I missed this lipstick so much that I had to go get it yesterday.  Though it’s not something new, it’s something that I love and I think it deserves a blog post.   

MAC Amplified Cream Lipstick in 102 Brick-O-La

MAC Brick-O-La

大家都知我以前有千千萬萬條唇膏,點解特別記得MAC Amplified Cream Lipstick in 102 Brick-O-La呢? 因為佢搽出嚟真係好精神!  佢唔係好粉紅好少女,又唔係好紅好鮮艷,亦冇帶紫tone,我覺得佢有少少豆沙色,唇色深都完全遮到。 皮膚偏健康膚色,搽佢嘅話唔會令到膚色暗咗黃咗,反而係好精神。 如果膚色比較白,搽佢亦都會更加顯白。 總之就係好知性美嘅一個顏色。 

I had so many lipsticks in my previous life and why did MAC Amplified Cream Lipstick in 102 Brick-O-La stand out?  It’s simply because the colour adds energy and brightness to my face.  It’s not a very girly pink, it’s not your usual bright red, and it doesn’t have any purple tone in it.  I feel like it’s more like a “red bean paste” colour, which can cover your own lip colour entirely if you have darker lip tone.  For people who have tanned skin, it doesn’t add dullness to the face, quite on the contrary, it makes the face look brighter and more awake.  For paler skin, it would make your face even brighter!  It’s a very sophisticated colour to use on a day-to-day basis.


我自己非常之鍾意,以前一想搽唇膏,通常第一時間都會攞呢一條,因為我知道無論我嗰日着咩衫化咩妝呢一條唇膏都會搽得我好睇。 而且佢係有少少令身既finish,唔會太乾身。 就算搽咗幾個鐘頭,都仲係覺得個嘴好舒服。 佢持久度一般,飲嘢食嘢都會甩,呢個好正常,因為佢唔係sell持久度! 

I love this lipstick and this colour so much.  I remember back in the day when I wanted to apply lipstick, I would go for this colour immediately because I knew it would go with everything that I wear and it would go with my different makeup looks (unless I went for something extreme lol).  It has a bit of a glossy finish and it’s not drying.  Wearing it for a few hours and the lips are still feeling fine.  It’s longevity is just so-so, it does come off when I eat and drink but it’s OK, it’s not intended for being super long lasting.

我尋日去回購嘅時候,見到佢嘅價錢係HK$190,我真係估唔到過咗咁多年佢價錢一樣咁美好! 當好多開架嘅品牌啲唇膏都要HK$100-$130,咁你話MAC呢條係咪真係好抵!  而家我超開心,因為我又再擁有返一個自己好鍾意嘅顏色,如果你有興趣快啲去睇吓!

When I repurchased it yesterday, the price was HK$190.  It’s been so many years and yet the price is still wonderful.  Well, when the open counter lipsticks are priced between HK$100-$130, how can you not love the price on this MAC lipstick LOL!  I am so happy I got it back in my collection and if you are interested, go to MAC counter and have a try!!

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