[敗家] MAC x Prabal Gurung Collection

原本我以為我聖誕無野要再買,無野再狂燒大家,點知我錯喇!! 我前兩晚去Lane Crawford單純地諗住淨係回購下產品,點知經過MAC,一望到呢個collection既實物就出事!! 我之前上網望過下,但係睇圖我又唔係好燒,不過見到實物,我就覺得靚到咁既,唔買翻去分享下對唔住我個招牌呀!!! 就係咁,就係咁,呢個post就誕生咗喇!!

(English:  I thought I didn’t have anything to haul for X’mas and I thought I didn’t have anything to tempt you anymore, but I was totally wrong!!  A couple nights ago, I went to Lane Crawford to repurchase some items, but then I passed by MAC and saw this collection, I was like “OMG”!!  Well I did see this collection online before, but the photos couldn’t tempt me much!!  However, when I saw the real deal, I thought to myself, “they look so pretty, if I don’t get that to show the ladies, I don’t think it’s doing my blog any justice!!”  Based on this… here comes this post!!)

MAC x Prabal Gurung Collection


MAC x Prabal Gurung Collection Eye Shadow
Color: Terre


好簡單既一個2色眼影,淺色個邊超出色,啡色個邊就一般喇! 我覺得日常都好用得著呢d顏色,同埋我覺得啡色個邊出黎個感覺都幾薄,所以如果日常look應該都啱用!!

(English:  A very simple 2 color eye shadows, the lighter color one is very pigmented whilst the brown color is not that pigmented!!  I feel that it’s good for just some normal daily look and after doing the swatch, I notice the brown color side is quite sheer, so it should be a no brainer for some natural look!)

MAC x Prabal Gurung Collection Eye Shadow
Color: Satin Ochre


呢個顏色我反而有d驚喜,淺色個邊都係好出色,用黎highlight唔錯,而粉色個邊大家見唔見係同我既膚色一樣,好似保護色咁,我一見到咁就諗如果有時想扮冇化妝,呢個顏色係一流! 同埋我覺得佢係一個非常好既打底色,所以都帶埋佢翻屋企!!

(English:  I find this color quite surprising, the lighter color is very pigmented and it would be perfect to highlight.  On the other hand, the light pinkish color perfectly matches my skin tone; I instantly think, “if sometimes I want to pretend that I have no makeup on, this would be the perfect color!!”  Also it would be a great base color for me as well!!)

MAC x Prabal Gurung Collection Cream Color Base
Color: Coral Lumineux

價錢(Price):HK$600/ 8g

呢個價錢應該有大部份都係用黎買佢個包裝!! 哈哈!! 因為佢個packaging係好重同好實在!!
如果你只係想要cream胭脂,平平地有好用,packaging都靚靚地,我會建議theBalm How ‘Bout Them Apples喇(Click HERE)。

(English:  You have to understand that if you are willing to pay this price, most of the money is going to the packaging!!  *Laughs*  Its packaging is very heavy and solid (also fancy)!  The color is a nice coral color, you can use it on its own or as a powder blush base!!  I really love the color because it’s easy to carry, sheer and blendable.  The finish is definitely on the sheer side of things, and it means it’s easy to handle!  After I got this, the BA suggested me to use a brush to apply.  I totally understand because using a brush would give a more balanced and natural finish.  I really can’t say this is worth HK$600 because if you like the packaging, I think you will think it’s worth the big bucks; but if you are just looking for some decent cream blush, then I wouldn’t recommend this.  Well, if you are looking for some nice cream blushes with fun packaging, I would suggest theBalm How ‘Bout Them Apples instead (Click HERE)!!

MAC x Prabal Gurung Collection Lipstick
Color: Lustre Light English Red and Matte Carmine Rouge



一款係Matte一款係Lustre! Matte好實色無光澤感,而Lustre出黎效果有少少潤澤感! 我覺得睇下你鍾意邊個顏色同質感,無話一定邊枝好d! 我之前用過MAC其他lipstick,我覺得佢quality好好同埋我無敏感,雖然我未試呢兩條上咀,但係就試色黎講我都覺得好唔錯!! 講真,我覺得Lustre Light English Red就咁搽出黎唔係大靚,但係我係下面加埋佢個gloss俾你睇,加完個gloss我先決定買Light English Red! 反而枝Matte Carmine Rouge,我一試就知自己會鍾意!! 隻色超glam,你唔怕carry紅色matte color既話,你要去望下呢枝!!

(English:  One is Matte and one is Lustre!  The Matte one is very pigmented and has no sheen while Lustre has a slight sheen to it.  Lipsticks are very personal, so I wouldn’t say which one of these two is the best, it really depends on which color you like or which texture you enjoy!  I have used other MAC lipsticks before and I feel that the quality is nice and my lips are not allergic to them!  Though I haven’t tried the above on my lips yet, I feel that the quality won’t be too far off!!  Honestly, I don’t think Lustre Light English Red is that amazing when it’s applied on its own, so I will show you how it looks like after adding the gloss on.  I bought this purely based on the results after adding the gloss.  Quite on the contrary, for Matte Carmine Rouge, I instantly fell in love with it.  The color is super glam and if you are not afraid to wear something red, you gotta check this out!!)

MAC x Prabal Gurung Collection Lipgloss
Color: Light English Red and Carmine Rouge

價錢(Price):HK$300/ 4.8ml

兩枝gloss搽出黎都出色呀!! 所以我先買,你知啦,其實我係唔太愛gloss既!! 不過見佢個顏色咁靚,買得過。 佢地顏色個名都同lipstick一樣,係配好咗俾你! 當然啦,又係睇自己喜好,如果愛gloss唔愛lipstick,咁可以揀同色既gloss!

(English:  Both glosses are pigmented!!  You know, I am not the gloss fan, but because of the color, I got them as well!  Both colors have the same name as the lipsticks’, that means they have matched them for you!!  Of course, depending on your personal preference, if you happen to be more of a gloss person, you can always opt for the gloss instead of the lipstick!!)


(English:  The following picture shows you how the lipstick colors look like when I pair them with their lipglosses:)

即刻唔同咗感覺! 你見啦,枝Light English Red加埋枝gloss即刻靚咗好多(我覺得)!! 而枝Carmine Rouge加咗gloss之後就無咗retro個感覺,反而係多咗glamourous既感覺!!

(English:  It instantly changes the feeling, doesn’t it?  As you can see, after adding the gloss on Light English Red, it looks more fabulous (in my humble opinion)!!  And for the Carmine Rouge, after adding the gloss, the retro feel is basically replaced by the glamourous feel!!)


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