忘記了的MAC Warm Neutral Palette

呢個palette都買咗好一段時間,但係我一直唔記得拎出黎用,直至最近我執野執到佢出黎,所以記得用下佢同大家分享。我唔肯定呢盒產品仲有無得賣(MAC轉得太快我追唔切),如果真係無,都可以望下顏色分享,我估佢呢類既顏色都有單粒。 我記得我買個陣呢個palette係大概一千蚊咁上下,有15個色我都會用到,所以幾抵!

(English: I got this palette for a long time but I didn’t remember to use it.  I was clearing out my drawers recently and found this, so I thought it was really time for me to put this into good use and then share my thoughts.  I am not sure if it’s still available in MAC (they change their stuff too quickly for me to catch up).  If not, feel free to look at individual colours because I am guessing these are available in their regular line anyway.  I recalled that this palette costed me around HK$1,000 and it comes with 15 shades, so it was quite a good value!)

MAC Warm Neutral Palette

MAC Warm Neutral Palette

MAC Warm Neutral Palette

MAC Warm Neutral Palette


MAC Warm Neutral Palette

MAC Warm Neutral Palette

MAC Warm Neutral Palette

MAC Warm Neutral Palette

MAC Warm Neutral Palette

MAC Warm Neutral Palette

成個palette黎講15色我覺得有12隻色都係出色。 其中3隻色好粉同埋唔係好出色包括:最上個行左2同右1同埋中間個行既左1。MAC既matte色似乎真係差d。 我覺得成個palette既顏色好實用同埋好易用,淺色較多,所以一般日子都用得到,其中兩隻顏色係深色,秋冬想要深色d既日子可以用係眼摺位。 有幾個色暫時我都日日用,再淺既顏色我覺得春夏都有好多機會用得到。 基本上,如果你同我一樣都係鍾意易用既顏色,我覺得呢盒palette都好好用,我亦好推介。 是但單色用或者配色用都唔會唔出得街! 唔錯唔錯既一個palette!

(English: 12 colours out of 15 shades in this palette are pigmented and with great quality.  I find 3 of them are very powdery and not pigmented including: left 2 and right 1 on the upper row and left 1 in the middle row.  I love the colour combination of this palette, because these are just so practical and easy to carry.  There are more lighter shades so these are a no-brainer for a normal day makeup.  2 are quite dark shades and they are perfect for Autumn and Winter when I want a darker eye look, just pack these on the double lids and voila!  There are a few shades that I am currently obsessed with and for those lighter colours, I am sure I can make good use out of them when it’s Spring and Summer.  Indeed, if you have very similar taste as mine and if you are mostly look for colours that are easy to use, I would recommend this palette to you!  You could pick any colour for a single eyeshadow look or pack a few on to mix and match – easy!  This is a nice one from MAC since a long time.)

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