[化妝] MAC Look In A Box Face Kit – Sophisticate

上個星期收到MAC送過黎既Look In A Box Face Kit,我見到顏色都好啱我,所以我拿拿聲開黎玩。 我唔肯定係咪Limited Editon,都係快手d玩完分享我既用後感比較穩陣。 

(English:  I received MAC Look In A Box Face Kit last week and I saw the colours were so me, so I immediately opened it an played with it.  I am not sure if this is a limited edition, so I thought I’d better act quick on reviewing this for you all.)

MAC Look In A Box Face Kit 

Sophisticate HK$520


有2色胭脂,6色眼影,2色唇膏同埋1枝雙頭掃(213 & 316)。

(English:  It comes with 2 powder blush, 6 eyeshadows, 2 lipsticks and 1 brush (213 & 316).)


(English:  There is a plastic lid to cover the lipsticks, hence the eyeshadow powder won’t be sticking onto the lipsticks.  Also if you don’t intent to use the lipsticks, you can still cover it up to minius the feeling of messiness!)



用後感: 上面試色圖無打底,係畫左兩至三下既成果。 睇到啦,唔係好出色。 淺色或者胭脂色都仲可以,但係第一行個深啡色畫左三下都出唔到色上手。 同埋我覺得佢呢盒既眼影都係偏鞋身同埋powdery。  我用過哂佢地上面,淺色眼影同胭脂比我有Chanel既感覺,要畫幾下先出到我想要既顏色。 而兩個深啡色,下行個隻色易出到好多,而上行既啡色,我就要build咗5-6次係眼先build到我要既深啡色。 而唇膏我用上咀係偏乾,無佢一枝枝個d咁好用同潤。 我覺得個concept係好,但係有幾樣野可以做得更好。 1) 我個人覺得如果無左兩個唇膏,加翻個highlight同陰影會好d,唇膏係個palette度我始終覺得用上黎唔係咁方便。 2) 係palette d粉質要改良下,我覺得佢某d系列好出色(Extra Dimention或者係本身Regular Line眼影都唔錯,我之前買左兩個10幾隻色大palette都上色), 但係唔係個個palette都係好出色。 我係有d失望,顏色係好靚,亦好係我會用既顏色,雖然上妝都build到我要既出色度,但係就花多咗時間。 呢d都係我用完既個人意見啦,雖然我一開呢個palette既時候係好吸睛,但係因為上色度既問題,我唔覺得大家要仆倒去買個種。 如果要買,要有心理準備係要花d時間去build個顏色。

(English:  Product Review:  The swatches above are the results of no primer and with 2-3 strokes.  As you can see, they are not all that pigmented.  The lighter eyeshadows and the blushes are alright, but the deep brown in the first row is almost “invisible” even with 3 strokes.  Plus, overall speaking, I feel that the eyeshadows are quite powdery in this palette.  I have used all of them on my face, actually they give me the “Chanel” feeling, whereby I need to do a few strokes to get the intensity.  For the 2 deep browns, the one on the lower row is more pigmented than the one above.  For the one above, I need to build 5-6 times to get the deep brown that I want on my eyes.  For the lipsticks, they feel a bit dry on the lips, the quality are not comparable to theirs in the stick format.  I like the concept but I feel that there are a few things that can improve: 1)  If they can take out the 2 lipsticks but put in a highlighter and a contour instead, that would be perfect because I personally don’t think lipsticks in this particular format are convenient to use.  2)  The powders in the palette need to improve, this is the strange thing, some of their powders like Extra Dimention, eyeshadows in the regular line and the 2 big palettes that I got are pigmented, it’s just the sad thing is that the consistency of the powdery stuff is not consistent!  I am indeed disappointed with this face kit because though they are nice to look at, I spend more time in trying to get the pigmentation when I use this to do my makeup.  Well, this is my personal opinion, I love the color selection in this face kit, but due to the formula of the eyeshadows, I wouldn’t recommend you to go haul immediately.  If you want to buy this, be prepared that you need to build the intensity.)

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