卸妝油: MAC Hyper Real Fresh Canvas Cleansing Oil


When this MAC Hyper Real Fresh Canvas Cleansing Oil was released, I was so excited to try, I got a bottle immediately and I have been using it for awhile, let’s see what my thoughts are.

MAC清透煥顏清爽卸妝油 HK$355/200ml LINK
Hyper Real Fresh Canvas Cleansing Oil 

MAC Hyper Real Fresh Canvas Cleansing Oil



A cleansing oil that gently yet effectively removes stubborn makeup, pollutants and micro-dust, and softens skin for a healthy-looking, clean glow. safe for sensitive skin and eyes.


佢嘅質地好輕盈,用唔洗好多嘅份量已經推得好開。乾手乾面捽上去,按摩一陣間就會溶化咗啲化妝品,之後過水就搞掂。 佢冇乜特別嘅香味,所以唔鍾意香味濃烈嘅朋友應該覺得OK。 另外佢質感比較輕身,完全冇厚重嘅感覺,所以好多膚質都應該用得到。 而且加水好易乳化,過水易過亦過得好乾淨,唔會好似仲有一層嘢喺度堵塞毛孔。 所以我用咗咁耐都完全冇多咗不明來歷嘅粒粒出現。 唯一一個缺點係我覺得佢落我嘅眼線筆同埋睫毛液落得唔夠乾淨,佢係卸到大部份,但係仲有少少殘跡,如果你眼部或者唇部嘅妝容比較持久嘅話,你另外用眼唇卸妝液卸咗先會穩陣啲,其他面部嘅妝容就完全冇問題卸得乾淨! 呢枝我自己都幾鍾意用,因為用完咁耐都冇敏感發作!不過如果清潔力再高啲可以卸埋啲持久度好高嘅眼妝同埋唇妝就會更加perfect。

Its texture is quite light so a little goes a long way.  Massage it onto face when it’s dry and after massaging, the makeup would melt; then wash off with water and you are done!  It doesn’t contain any scent, so it would be nice for those who don’t enjoy strong scent.  Since its texture is light, it doesn’t feel heavy on skin so I feel that it’s suitable for many skin types.  Plus it can be washed off quite effortlessly and it doesn’t leave a film behind to block the pores.  Hence, I don’t see any crazy bumps after using it for this length of time.  The only downside is that it doesn’t remove my eyeliner and mascara completely, it removes the majority but there is always the minority left.  So I would recommend to use an eye and lip makeup remover to remove those first if you do use products with high longevity.  For face makeup, it removes completely with ease!  I quite like this cleansing oil because it doesn’t irritate my skin.  However, I would say if the cleansing power could be a wee bit stronger to remove those stubborn makeup, it would be perfect!!

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