[化妝] MAC Holiday Collection 2014

我年年X’mas都會睇MAC,但係唔係年年都買。 同埋我會係佢counter試真d先,因為佢有d palette會唔上色(以前係買完返屋企先發現,所以我小心咗好多)同埋佢X’mas出既掃我通常都覺得質量好麻麻(又係我以前買咗幾次都發現係咁),所以而家好少會俾燒到!! 哈哈~~ 今年我都有望佢地既Holiday Collection,試咗一輪就揀咗下面既東東喇!!

(English:  It’s been one of my habits to check out MAC Holiday Collection every year, but to be honest, I don’t necessarily buy every year!   Now I really test out their products at the counter first because I bleed my purse, simply because some of their palettes are not as pigmented as I would like them to be (I bought a lot before and I found that out, so now I am cautious!!).  Also they usually release some X’mas brush sets, but again, I do feel that their standard is not what I would call “well done” (yes again, I bought them before…), so I usually just skip on those!!  *Laughs*  Well this year, after playing and taking a harder look at their Holiday Collection, here are some of the stuff I found worthwhile!!)

MAC Keepsake – Brown Eye Bag


我覺得呢個化妝袋真係超靚! 仲要係唔hea實用!! 

(English:  I really love this makeup bag, it looks really pretty and it’s big enough to be practical!!)

入面有mascara,eyeliner同2色眼影!  呢個set好似有3款唔同既顏色可以揀,我就揀左啡色,因為實用到對我黎講係好高!!

(English:  It comes with a mascara, eyeliner and eyeshadow palette of 2 colours!!  If I remember rightly, there are 3 different colours for you to choose from for this set, and I picked the Brown one because it’s just so much more practical for me!!)

Mascara就係黑色既! 我覺得佢眼線都好用,但係如果你係油眼就可能會甩喇! 另外,我揀呢個set既原因係佢呢隻眼影係超上色。對比起佢同系列既palette,我就覺得呢個2色眼影出色好多喇!!哈哈~~ 一睇就知係我會用既顏色啦!!

(English:  Mascara is black in case you wonder!!  I quite like their eyeliners but if you have oily eye areas, it might melt on you!!  One of the reasons why I pick this set is because the eyeshadows are highly pigmented.  When I compare this with the palette in the same collection, I think this 2-colour ones are unbeatable!  Of course, when you look at this, you know I will get a lot of uses out of them!!)

MAC Holiday Glitter 

Color – Gold

價錢(Price):HK$165/ 4.5g

MAC Holiday MAC Lipstick 

Color – Salon Rouge (Left) and No Faux Pas (Right)

價錢(Price):HK$165/ 3g@

都係Matte Lipstick!! 其實我個人真係鍾意Matte Lipstick多好多。 我唔mind glossy finish,但係我超唔鍾意唇膏入面有金粉! 所以我呢期見有咩brand有matte lipstick都買黎試下!! 我無記錯我應該執左No Faux Pas同我去英國,我覺得好retro既顏色同look都好啱英國,所以就帶咗佢去!! 好sharp,不過真係好靚!!

(English:  Again they are matte lipsticks!!  Indeed, I am a huge fan of matte lipsticks, I don’t mind glossy finish but I dislike any glitter in the lipstick!!  So these days, whenever I see a brand doing matte lipsticks,  I have to get some to try!  If my memory serves me right, I should have taken No Faux Pas with me to the UK, anything that’s retro goes really well with the country!!  I admit, it’s a very sharp colour, but it looks really pretty!!)


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