MAC Flamingo Park Collection 2016

當我正係度諗緊寫咩好,我就收到MAC PR送黎既Flamingo Park Collection入面幾樣產品。 大家都知春天興既顏色其實唔係好啱我,所以我呢期無咩點入手新既化妝品。 不過收到,都試下色俾大家望下,或者你地會有興趣! 哈哈~~ 試試下,有d我都覺得唔錯,唔太girly!

(English:  When I was wondering what I should write for Monday’s blog post, I received some of MAC Flamingo Park Collection items from their PR.  As all of you know, Spring colours are not really my thing, so I hadn’t haul any makeup recently.  Now I got them, I thought a blog post of swatches would be interesting because these might be your colours.  *Laughs*  While I was trying them, I found some are actually nice, not too girly!)

MAC Flamingo Park Collection 2016

Eyeshadow HK$155@

無閃粉,好柔和既顏色。 我覺得比較適合白既人用。 我覺得Hello, There會係一個好好既眼影base colour,因為好好接近我膚色。

(English:  Matte and quite a soft and gentle colour.  I think these are more suitable for people with fair skin.  I think for me, I could use Hello, There as a base eyeshadow colour because it’s just so close to my skin tone.)

Powder Blush HK$200@

都係無閃粉,顏色方面我覺得This Could Be Fun好sharp好fun但同時亦都好難carry。 反而Spring Flock我就覺得好靚,橙得黎唔太橙,帶少少pink既橙,上面好靚好醒神。 健康膚色非常適合!

(English:  Again these are matte.  For the colours, I think This Could Be Fun is very sharp and somewhat a fun colour, but at the same time, it’s a bit difficult to pull it off.  On the contrary, Spring Flock is a really nice and pretty orange without that sharpness.  It has a hint of pink, so it looks rather natural and awake on skin.  It’s great for tanned skin!)

Velvetease Lip Pencil

Lip Pencil HK$155

Creme sheen Glass HK$190

Velvetease Lip Pencil應該唔係Flamingo Park Collection入面。 上網見有12個顏色。 我覺得出色,少少乾,但係可以接受。Just My Type應該會係我春夏常用既顏色。

(English:  I don’t think Velvetease Lip Pencil is within the Flamingo Park Collection.  I quickly checked online and there seems to be 12 colours to choose from.  I think these are pigmented but a little trying (acceptable).  I am falling in love with Just My Type because this probably would be one of my favourite colours for Spring and Summer.)

Lip Pencil就比較硬身,所以好乾身,但係另外一個覺度睇就係好long-lasting。 而lipglass就少少厚身同埋有大量閃粉係入面,要睇個人喜好鍾唔鍾意呢類型既lipgloss喇。

(English:  Lip Pencil is quite hard so it’s quite drying, but the good side is that it’s very long-lasting.  For the lipglass, it feels a bit thick and there are tons of glitter inside, so it really depends on your personal preference if you would enjoy this type of lipgloss.)

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