[保養] MAC Cleanse Off Oil + 平價版推介

好耐好耐好耐都無時間寫blog,連我自己都好掛住寫blog既日子! 之前實在太忙,要準備開舖,開完又有好多野要跟,再加上我返工,所以一日二十四小時我都已經用盡! 不過,所有野都做得好開心,辛苦都好值得! 而家希望係多翻d時間繼續做我要做既分享!! 哈哈~~~ 廢話小講啦,今日想同大家分享一下我近期新買呢枝Cleanse Off Oil~~

(English:  It’s been a really long while since my last official blog post, yea, I am missing my blogging days so bad!  Well, there was no excuse, it was just that I was literally going insane preparing my own store.  Now that the store was open, I still needed to spend time to make sure everything worked.  Plus I still got a full-time job, so I pretty much used up the 24 hours!!  Hm…but honestly, I am really happy and yes I kinda turn into a zombie, but I think it’s worth the effort!!  Now, my goal is to get back on track with my postings because this is what I love to do (not that the store is not my love, but you get what I mean)!!  Well, so much with the rambling, let’s get on with today’s topic~~)

雖然我好耐以前係MAC迷,但係我都好少用佢地既skincare! 唔知呢,成日覺得佢makeup好得,但係skincare? 真係唔知! 之前敗家video講過我去MAC買咗一堆野~ 其中一枝就係佢哋既Cleanse Off Oil! 我都無用油好多年喇! 但係見BA係咁推,所以就買一枝丫! 我都用咗一段時間,同大家分享咗先(唔係一陣又用完都唔記得寫文~~)!

(English:  Though I was a big MAC fan, I didn’t really touch on their skincare items!  Not sure why, but I did have a perception that when one brand’s makeup items were good, usually their other stuff sucked!!!  Oh well, if you have watched my MAC haul video, you will recognize this Cleanse Off Oil!!  I hadn’t been using any cleansing oil for quite a long time, but I got really tempted when the BA highly recommended this product, yea you know how it turned out!  I got one to try and now comes my review!~~)

MAC Cleanse Off Oil

價錢(Price):HK$230/ 150ml

Product Information:

“A mineral oil-free makeup remover/cleanser for the skin. Formulated with
extracts of sea grass, peach leaf, soothing chamomile-derived bisabolol
and scented with citrus-y yuzu, fused with conditioning botanical oils
of grape seed, olive leaf, sunflower and lavender. Apply, splash with
water. Lifts off makeup leaving skin clear, soft, relaxed. Ultra-gentle:
especially good for dry, mature or stressed-out skins.”


使用次數(No. of Usage):10 times

用後感:毫無疑問用Cleansing Oil係好方便,因為捽落面按開,當所有野都溶哂既時候就過水搞掂!唔洗分落眼野落面野! 呢隻Cleansing Oil既質地係屬於比較乾同薄身,所以無厚重感! 用佢落面完全無問題,至於用落眼就要按耐少少我條Chanel下眼線先會甩哂,但係都方便都算快既! 乳化度都好良好! 過完水表面唔會有一層臘咁, 皮膚表面都屬於清爽唔過潤!! 最掂係我覺得過完水未用洗面膏洗個下皮膚都好明亮,呢點係我最驚喜既一點!!! GOOD!! 整體黎講我覺得都好好用,落得乾淨又唔會過笠,同埋好滿意佢既明亮效果~~ 哈哈~~ 幾值得讚既一個產品!!

(English:  Product Review: Without a doubt, cleansing oil brings convenience as you just massage it on your whole face and there is no need to separate the eye and face makeup remover!!  This cleansing oil is of a drier texture and is quite thin, therefore, I don’t feel any burden on my skin after use.  It removes the face makeup brilliantly but it does take a bit time to remove my eye makeup, esp. my Chanel lower eyeliner.  I would say the whole process is still efficient!!  After rinsing, there is no sticky or heavy feelings on skin.  Skin feels pretty fresh and moist!!  Here comes the best bit – skin is so bright up after using this even before a face wash product!!  This, indeed, surprises me the most!!!  GOOD!!!  Overall speaking, I give it a thumbs-up, its cleansing power is good and it’s light to use, of course, I am really blown away by its brightening results!  Worth to give a thumbs-up!!!)

**注意: 但係我想再講一點就係,如果你係油性皮膚想用Cleansing Oil,你一定要小心選擇! 其實我真係唔係好建議油性皮膚仲用Cleansing Oil,因為一個唔覺意,如果隻cleansing oil厚身,就好易有過潤既情況出現,甚至乎會爆瘡! 如果你係油性或者暗瘡性皮膚,我真係建議用卸妝水,亦都唔好慳,一定要用cotton pad抹到你見唔到化妝殘蹟為止! 但係如果你堅持想用Cleansing Oil,你就要揀類似MAC呢枝Cleasing Oil既質地同埋要用洗面產品洗一次先無咁易出事!!

(English: **Watch-out:  There is this one point I want to stress – if you have oily skin type and you want to use a cleansing oil, please choose carefully!!  To be totally honest, I wouldn’t suggest cleansing oil for oily skin type, because if the cleansing oil is too thick, then it might be too heavy, which could lead to acne problems!  If you have oily or acne-prone skin types, I would really suggest you to use cleansing water and don’t be frugal with it, you must clean your face until you don’t see any makeup residue on the cotton pads!!  Well, but if you have the mentioned skin types and you still insist using cleansing oil, then please pick a texture similar to this MAC Cleanse Off Oil, plus, remember to follow up with a face cleanser afterwards!!)

另外,雖然MAC呢枝產品唔錯,但係好多babes可能會覺得價錢比較貴咗一dd! 如果你想揾差唔多質感既Cleansing Oil但係價錢平一大截既話(不過就無明亮效果啦),你可以考慮Biore深層卸粧油,我未投向Cleansing Water既懷抱之前都係呢枝野既fans!!

(English:  On a side note, though this MAC product is really nice, many babes might think its price tag is a bit on the high end side!!  If you want to look for something of a similar texture and with a much more friendlier price (without the brightening results), you can consider Biore Deep Cleansing Oil.  Before I turned to the Cleansing Water side, I was a big fan of this!!)

普通Mannings個d都有得賣! 我N年前都出過blog post,但係因為太耐d相出唔到,所以係度比個樣大家參考! 如果你想睇我之前對Biore既comment,你可以click下面條link:

(English:  You can get it at Mannings/ drugstores.  I did talk about it a few years back, but since the blog post was so long ago, the photos couldn’t show up for some reason, so that’s why I gave you a picture here for reference.  If you are interested in my comments on this before, you are welcome to click on the following link:)



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