[化妝] 喜愛化妝既朋友應該會喜歡MAC Brooke Shields Collection

係呀! 我呢期唔知做咩,真係好勤力敗家同試野! 成日都希望帶到好多新資訊比大家! 係,我都知好多人都話我用唔哂d野,又係個句啦,我唔講新野大家都好悶,所以要敗先有新野講啦。 我之前上網睇到呢個collection既時候,我已經對佢地有d產品好有興趣,所以我入咗手想同大家分享一下:

(English:  Yes I don’t know what’s up with me, I have been hauling very diligently and trying new stuff!!  I really hope to bring more new stuff to you all.  Yes I know I know, all these makeup stuff would last me a life time, but if I don’t haul new stuff, there is basically nothing to talk about.  Well, I guess hauling is part of bringing beauty news to you.  Back to the story, I was browsing online before and I saw this collection, honestly, I was drawn to a couple things and here they come:)

MAC Brooke Shields Collection

MAC Brooke Shields Collection

Gravitas: Eye Shadow x15


講真,我唔係好愛佢個packaging既顏色,覺得有d cheap! 不過入面眼影既顏色真係好靚同埋超實用。 佢成個palette有閃有唔閃既顏色,日常出街用得著之餘,夜晚出街都用得著呀!! 仲有,我之前買過某d MAC既collection,因為係cross over既關係,佢地既quality麻麻地,而今次呢個palette既價錢係貴,所以我係counter都試玩左先決定買。 眼影質感方面都係偏出色,連個黑色都有質數,所以我先買啦! 我覺得呢個palette唔係人人都啱,因為如果你唔係成日化妝既話,以咁既價錢買咁多色真係未必用得著,但係如果你成日化妝既話,我覺得係抵買,因為有15個色,除開一隻色都係HK$88。 仲要如果d顏色啱用,真係買得過!!  我就一買翻黎第二日已經玩左,好興奮!! 哈哈~~

(English:  Honestly I don’t like the packaging of the color, I feel somewhat it demeans the quality!  However, for the eyeshadows inside, the colors are pretty and very practical.  The palette comes with matte and shimmery colors, so you can use it both during the day and at night!!  Also, I did haul some of the previous MAC collection before, due to the fact that they were cross over collections, the quality wasn’t up to standard.  But this time is different, the palette is on the pricier side, so I did give it a good try at the counter before making a decision.  The quality of eyeshadows is nice, quite pigmented.  Even for the black one, it shows up quite well.  I personally think this palette is not for everyone.  If you are a beginner in makeup or you don’t do makeup quite often, then it’s not worthwhile for you to get it.  However, if you do makeup quite often, I feel that it’s a good buy, because it comes with 15 colors and on average, it costs like HK$88 for 1 color.  So if you like the majority of the colors, it’s a good to go!  I have started to play with this and I am truly excited!!!  *Laughs*)

MAC Brooke Shields Collection
Tinted Lipglass Color: Artful

價錢(Price):HK$225/ 4.8ml

又講真,我覺得呢個顏色好靚,同埋我知道我可以夾我d nude lipstick黎用。不過,我覺得有d貴丫!! 以前MAC既lipglass都唔會咁貴,但係呢次就真係貴左d! 我覺得佢d lipglass都係好用,令得黎又夠色,所以如果你好愛呢個顏色,你可以諗下入唔入手。 但係如果你問我係咪一定要入手呢,我又覺得唔係,因為其他品牌都有類既顏色!

(English:  Honestly again, I like the color, and I know I would use this with my other nude lipstick!!  However, I feel that the price is definitely on the pricier side!!  I did buy some of the MAC lipglass before but I don’t remember it being this expensive.  This time, I wouldn’t say it’s totally justified.  I quite like their lipglass because it gives a good shine and it gives quite a nice color.  So if you are in love with this color, you can decide if you want to get one.  But if you ask me if this is a must have, I don’t think so because I feel that there are similar colors from other brands as well!!)



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