
我諗你地都發覺我呢期少左敗MAC, 原因係我睇過幾個collections, 但係都唔係太鍾意d colors.  呢個都唔係最大原因, 最大既原因係我越用得多係香港無得賣既品牌 (Wet n Wild, ELF, Urban Decay…etc.), 我越發覺佢地既品質比MAC好, 尤其是係eyeshadows.  呢期MAC好focus係包裝, 但係quality就似乎差左少少喇 (MAC fans唔好打我).

(English:  You all must have noticed that I haven’t spent anything on MAC products recently.  One of the reasons is that I have looked at a few collections but I wasn’t too fond of the colors.  However, this is not the main reason, the main one being the more I use those brands which are not available in HK (like Wet n Wild, ELF, Urban Decay etc.), the more I think their qualities are better than MAC’s, especially for eyeshadows.  I feel that these days MAC has been so fixed on getting interesting packaging that they neglect some of the quality side of the products (please, if you are a MAC fan, don’t get mad at me!).)

呢期我睇YouTube, 見有d YouTubers係度講MAC既平價代替品, 好勁呀, 有d色真係一樣, 有d就drugstore仲上色過MAC添….又confirm左我諗法喇:

(English:  These days I have been watching quite a few YouTube videos and some of the YouTubers are talking about drugstore dupes for MAC products!  Brilliant!  Some of the colors are really exactly the same and some of the quality is even better than MAC!  One again, it confirms my thought….)

睇完之後有無覺得好多時真係唔洗俾好貴既價錢去買心頭好?  平野都真係有好野! 哈哈!!

(English:  Do you feel that you don’t need to pay that much for some products now after watching the videos?  Haha, goodies can be cheap too!)

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