[試色] MAC新敗戰利品

感覺上好耐無敗過MAC喇, 大家有無覺得奇怪點解我呢個化妝品控咁多個月無敗過MAC新品? 原因係我好怕佢地d limited edition好快賣sa, 我睇完買唔到會唔開心。 同埋我之前買過佢地d四色palette, 但係上色度只係一般。 所以有期真係放棄左無睇無買。 但係化妝品我係唔會嫌多, 有時望下人地化妝我都好開心, 所以見到靚色我都會買。

(English:  I feel like I haven’t hauled any MAC stuff for a very long while.  Did any of you wonder why?  Well it’s because I got really frustrated with their limited edition items, every time they are sold out more quickly than I would anticipate.  Also, I got their 4 color eye shadow palettes awhile back only to find the quality is not as great as before, so I kinda gave up on the brand.  Well well well, I wouldn’t mind having more makeup though, sometimes I could create some looks for others, so if I see anything good colors, I would still haul!)

上個星期無聊去開銅鑼灣行一轉, 本身無諗住買d咩, 但係見到MAC有新collection叫Shop, 俾張好colorful嘅poster引咗入去, 仲要入咗去差d出唔到嚟添呀!  我唔止係睇佢個Shop Collection, 我仲睇左佢地嘅Cook同Vera Collection, 個個collection我都敗咗少少野(咁無理由敗sa一個collection, 有d色我唔係好鍾意麻)。你地都應該睇咗video啦, 而家要睇下試色圖喇。

(English:  Last week, I sort of spun around Sogo, then I saw a very colorful poster outside MAC and the collection was called Shop.  I had to go in and explore.  I didn’t only look at their Shop Collection, I did take a look at Cook and Vera Collections as well, so I got a couple items from each of the collection.  You should have watched the video, let’s look at the swatches right now.)

先睇佢地最新個Shop Collection:

(English: Let’s look at their newest collection first – Shop Collection:)

呢個collection我買咗三件產品, 因為全部都係我呢期好鍾意嘅大地,自然,橙色色系。

(English:  I got 3 items from this collection because they are all my favourite colors these days, earth tone with a natural and orange spin.)

MAC Shop Collection Eyeshadow x 4

(Color: Call Me Bubbles)

佢有三盒, 我揀咗偏橙tone嘅呢盒 (Color: Call Me Bubbles)。

(English:  There were 3 sets to choose from and I got this more orange tone palette (Color: Call Me Bubbles).)

算唔算超上色? 唔算, 但係勝在可以慢慢加色, 同埋有兩個色我覺得可以做胭脂添, 唔錯。 呢期超好橙色!!

(English:  I wouldn’t say it’s super pigmented but you can build the colors on slowly.  I also think two of the colors can be used as blush as well!!  I love orange tone these days!!)

MAC Shop Collection Kissable Lipcolor 

(Color: Woo Me & So Vain)

上面係So Vain, 下面係Woo Me, 我試過So Vain上咀, 超襯我膚色。 Nude得嚟有少少Coral! 好靚,揾日我個咀好翻再搽俾大家望下。

(English:  The upper one is So Vain and the lower one is Woo Me.  I tried So Vain on my lips and it suits my skin tone brilliantly.  Nude with a hint of coral.  Let my lips recover first and I will shoot a couple photos for you to see!)

再嚟係前一個collection – Cook Collection喇。

(English:  The previous collection was – Cook Collection!)

我唔係睇中好多野, 淨係買左:

(English:  I wasn’t interested in a lot of stuff so I only got the following:)

MAC Cook Collection Fluidline Eyeliner Gel
(Color: Added Goodness)

係深啡色, 我覺得買啡色可以襯翻我d大地色系眼影。   有因為我而家用緊嘅eyeliner掃係Chanel, 我唔想用佢嚟畫gel liner, 所以我買埋Cook Collection個eyeliner掃。

(English:  It’s a deep brown.  It can be used with my earth tone colors.  Since I am using Chanel eyeliner brush (don’t want to ruin it really) and I don’t want to use it on any gel liner, so I got the eyeliner brush from the Cook Collection as well.)

MAC Cook Collection Eyeliner Brush No. 211


(English:  This side can be used to create a thicker liner.)


(English:  This one can be used to create a thin eyeliner.)

其實最初吸我入去MAC都唔係呢兩個collection, 反而係前多兩個collection呀!! 係Vera Collection呀!

(English: But what attracted me to go in wasn’t these two collection, actually it was the previous collection called Vera Collection!)

呢個collection真係超靚!!! 我一敗就敗咗幾樣野喇。

(English:  OMG!!! Super pretty!!! I heart this collection!!  See what I’ve got!)

MAC Vera Collection Pearlmatte Face Powder
(Color: Flower Fantasy)

呢個1號可以用嚟做胭脂, 2號用嚟做highlight, 超大盒呀!

(English:  No. 1 can be used as a blush and No. 2 can be used as a highlight.  Gigantic size!!)

隻胭脂色係matte, 唔會閃爆。 搽上去好自然! Highlight就當然係閃閃地啦。

(English:  No. 1 is matte and it looks really natural on skin.  No. 2 is the highlight color which is shimmery.)

MAC Vera Collection Crushed Metallic Pigment
(Color: Aloha)



呢嗰真係唔買唔得!! d色超出超閃超靚。 仲要HK$315有四隻色, 你話係咪唔買唔得先? 仲要本身我淨係睇中呢盒, 我一見佢咁出色, 即刻敗埋下面兩隻色!!

(English:  How could I resist these gorgeous colors?  They are really pigmented, really metallic and super pretty!!  HK$350 for 4 gorgeous colors – you are kidding me!!  Indeed, I did just want to get one set, but after I saw how pigmented they are, I had to get the following two as well.)

MAC Vera Collection Crushed Metallic Pigment
(Color: Butterfly Party)

勁鍾意個綠同個藍呀! 好聖誕(小姐, 聖誕過咗無耐jer wor)! 好好好靚!! 等我唔洗翻工個日整幾個look俾大家望下。

(English:  Super in love with the green and blue!!  Reminds me of X’mas (well X’mas was like 2.5 months ago – I know I know)!  Really gorgeous!!  Let me do some looks when I have the day off, I have a few ideas in mind.)

MAC Vera Collection Crushed Metallic Pigment
(Color: Strawberry Patch)

呢個都好靚呀! 我都鍾意粉紅色眼, 所以買埋!!

(English:  These are really pretty too!!!  I love pinkish eyes as well so …kinda couldn’t stop myself!!)

MAC Vera Collection Crushed Metallic Pigment
(Color: Pearlglide Intense Eye Liner)

(Color: Top to bottom: Designer Purple, Undercurrent & Industrial)

好靚呀!! 好耐無買過MAC眼線喇!!等我用左再同大家分享啦!!

(English: Super pretty!!  I hadn’t bought any MAC eyeliner for a good while!!  Let me start using each of them and then share with you all!!)
(Some images are extracted from http://www.maccosmetics.com.hk)

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