[保養] 做個香香公主 ♥ Lush Flying Fox Shower Gel

記唔記得我之前敗左Lush嘅一d產品?  唔記得嘅話, 咁你可以睇下以下呢條片先:

(English:  Remember the following video?  I talked about a couple Lush products that I hauled.  If you don’t remember, maybe it’s about time to refresh your memory.)

嘩, 其實真係超耐無去過Lush喇。  上兩年我都用好多佢嘅產品(貪佢d名好得意同埋真係好香)。  但係你地都知我花心啦(唔係點經營呢個blog呢?), 所以我好少用同一個品牌嘅野好耐。  今次再用佢地d產品我又記起我當初點解咁迷戀佢地d野, 因此真係香得我好開心。  心情唔好或者好攰用, 用完心情都會大好(當然心情好, 用完會更好啦。)。

(English:  It’s been a really long while since I last visited Lush.  A few years back, I used quite a few of their products (their names are funny and they smell super nice!).  However, you all know that I am not a loyal customer (otherwise how could I keep this blog going?), therefore I seldom stick with a brand for too long.  These days, when I started using their products again, I recalled why I fell in love – it’s simply because they smell fabulous!  Perfect to use when in bad mood or super tired (of course, if you are in good mood already, it will be even better!).)

Lush Flying Fox Shower Gel

價錢 (Price): HK$259/ 500g
Product Information:



(English: “Share a shower with our Flying Fox to send your spirit soaring. Our Foxy shower gel has the stunningly sensual scent of jasmine, ylang, cypress and palmarosa. It is so relaxing that even the most frantic, frazzled person will relax into a restful mood after a warm shower. Our boss, Mark C, originally thought that it’d suit stroppy women prone to moods. By all means, write to him with your opinions on that.”)


(English:  How lovely!  They have a sticker telling you who made your product and the expiry date!)


使用次數 (No. of Usage): 2 months (everyday)

用後感:呢個真係超級香呀!  好好聞!  我喺counter聞個陣已經超鍾意呢個味。  返到屋企即刻用, 一用就更加鍾意。 點解?  因為佢真係令到成個洗手間都香埋, 你話我有咩理由唔愛上佢丫!  仲有係佢有蜜糖係入面(但係都起到好多泡泡), 所以沖完之後感覺唔會乾。 咁都要搽body lotion嘅, 但係沖完個下感覺唔會覺得d皮膚猛猛緊。  讚讚讚呀!  好耐無用過d shower gel用得咁有驚喜喇。 我真係超推呢枝。  我每次返完工好攰,用完佢都會開心sa。 如果你地都鍾意用d好香嘅沖涼產品, 我好推你地去聞下呢枝野, 睇下佢係咪你杯茶丫(笑)。

(English:  After-use Comment:  It really smells wonderful!  Fabulous!! When I first sniffed it at the counter, I was already in love!  When I got back home, I started using it immediately!  I fell in love even more!  Why?  Because it makes my bathroom smell so nice – how could you not fall in love?  Also, it contains honey inside (still generates a great deal of foam), so it doesn’t dry out skin.  Well, you still need to put some body lotion on but skin doesn’t feel dry when step out of the shower.  Great!!  It’s been awhile since I use a great shower gel – I super recommend this one!  When I have a tiring day, I use this and instantly I feel a lot happier!  If you love shower gels with great scent, I suggest you to sniff it at the counter.  Then you tell me if you like it or not *smiles*.)
(the above product information is extracted from http://www.lush.com.hk)

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