[化妝] Lunasol朱古力的誘惑2015秋冬系列

好少講日本既產品,但係呢堆既靈感來自朱古力,所以好心動! 當日我去買個陣,有d都已經無貨,所以我唔肯定下面呢堆產品仲有無~ 不過我都照講啦,大家當係參考都好!

(English:  I don’t talk about Japanese products very much but these are inspired by chocolate, so I was really tempted to give them a go!  When I went to Lunasol to make my purchase, some of the items were out of stock, so I am not really sure if the followings are still available.  However, I decide to talk about them, coz you can keep them for reference!)


Lunasol Duo De Chocolat Eyes (Limited)

Color: Chocolat Orange HK$340


用後感: 我覺得粉質滑同幾出色,顏色同太多數日本品牌一樣,出黎效果都係偏透薄。 大家可以隨自己喜好去build~ 閃粉唔大粒,令對眼有立體感d。  我買呢個顏色係因為佢帶橙色,我覺得好啱秋季!但係如果眼皮腫既人仕呢個橙色唔好搽咁高,易會腫。

(English:  Product Review:  The powder is finely milled and pigmented, the colors are very similar to other Japanese brands, it has more of a sheer finish.  You can build to the intensity you want~  The shimmers are not obsessive and it definitely adds more dimension to the eyes.  I got this set because of the hint of orange, I think it’s great for Autumn!  However, if your lids are quite puffy, I suggest you don’t put this color too high on your lids, otherwise it will add to more puffiness.)

Lunasol Selection De Chocolat Eyes
Color:  02 Chocolat Amer HK$440


用後感:感覺同上面既眼影一樣,都係出色但係效果偏薄~大家可以build到你想要既深度。 我覺得呢個眼影組實用性好高! 唔只秋冬,平日都好用得著。 如果大家有興趣都可以留意下。不過記得唔會係喪出色個種~

(English:  Product Review:  My feeling is the same as the abovementioned eyeshadow, yes it’s pigmented but has a sheer finish~  So you can build your own intensity.  I think this is a practical quad, not only for Autumn and Winter but for everyday.  If you are interested, you can definitely check this out.  Just a kind reminder that it won’t be crazily pigmented~~)

Lunasol Nail Finish N

Color: No. 12 HK$140

用後感: 好油快乾同埋持久度都算唔錯(五日無問題)。 我覺得呢個color都好好襯衫丫~~ 帶茶色既nude~

(English:  Product Review:  Easy to apply, quick to dry and quite long-lasting (5 days no issue).  I think this color goes with most clothes~~  A nude with a hint of tea~)

Lunasol Styling Gel Eyeliner

Color: Dark Brown HK$110 (Refill) HK$160 (Pen)


用後感: BA話防油防水。 我覺得佢畫出黎係乾身dd,但係都易畫。 唔算快乾,單眼皮用都係煩d,因為條線會眨咗上去眼皮。 筆頭都幼,可以畫好幼既線。 持久度係good既,無咩點溶,但係我覺得佢唔夠快乾個下令我好煩~

(English:  Product Review:  BA said it’s waterproof and oil-proof.  It feels a bit dry on skin but it’s still draw smoothly.  It doesn’t dry quickly though, so when if you single eyelids like mine, you are going to experience the line sticks on your eyelids when you blink the eyes.  The head is small and fine, so you can draw a very thin line.  The longevity is nice and it doesn’t melt/ smudge on my eyes.  However, the fact that it doesn’t dry quickly bothers me a bit~)

Lunasol Lipstick
Color: No. 33, 34 and 35 HK$260


用後感: 如果你問我全系列我覺得最值得入手係咩,我會話係唇膏! 因為佢潤得黎又出色,好好用! 我覺得佢既潤係拍得住Tom Ford,但係就唔洗咁貴。 同埋我覺得佢呢堆nude色超好襯,襯咩look都好睇又自然! 推呀!!

(English:  Product Review:  If you ask me which one item would I pick out of the whole collection, I would say this lipstick!  It’s moisturizing and it’s pigmented, great quality!  The moisturizing side is comparable to Tom Ford without its ridiculous price tag!  Plus, all these different nude colors are just great for every occasions and makeup looks!  Highly recommended!!)

Lunasol Lipgloss

Color: Ex02 HK$250


用後感: 好強既朱古力味!! 正,出到少少色亦glossy,質感唔算痴咀。 唔錯。 我覺得呢個顏色都好襯我上面個三隻色lipstick!

(English:  Product Review:  It has a strong chocolate scent!  It’s glossy and not too heavy!  Quite nice – I feel that it matches the above 3 lipsticks really well.)




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