Lunasol 10th Anniversary Skin Modeling Eyes Kit with Walnut


(English:  I passed by Sogo Causeway Bay last couple weeks and saw this new set from Lunasol, I played with it for a bit and I really wanted to share my thoughts with you.  I did own a couple Lunasol eyeshadow palettes before and I liked them~~)

Lunasol 10th Anniversary Skin Modeling Eyes Kit with Walnut HK$490/set

Lunasol 10th Anniversary Skin Modeling Eyes Kit with Walnut


(English:  This set comes with a 4 colour eyeshadow palette, I recalled BA said this was their most classic combination of colours and a cream lipstick (or can be used as a cream blush).)

Lunasol 10th Anniversary Skin Modeling Eyes Kit with Walnut


(English:  The reason I stopped and took a look was because of its graffiti packaging.  It’s definitely different than their normal packaging.  Also the colours are “normal” colours and not too crazy, therefore, I was tempted.)


Lunasol 10th Anniversary Skin Modeling Eyes Kit with Walnut Lunasol 10th Anniversary Skin Modeling Eyes Kit with Walnut

其中一個眼影色係大粒d既閃粉,如果想bling bling既日子可以加,其他3個色都係日常好易用得到既啡色。 粉質好滑好幼同埋都出色。 質量好好! 我覺得呢d顏色係一年365日都用得到既顏色,實用度我俾好高分。 另外個cream東東我用黎當係有色潤咀膏,圖中我係畫咗三下先出到橙橙地呢個顏色,我覺得佢幾潤同埋可以build,如果畫一兩下,出黎係令身有dd橙色,如果想出色d就畫多兩下可以喇。 摸落潤既感覺重少少,所以我無當佢係胭脂用,搽下咀我又覺得OK。 我覺得如果你對呢個品牌有興趣既話,我覺得呢個set都買得過,兩件產品都實用!

(English:  One of the eyeshadow colours is quite glittery and I would add this only when I want a bit more bling on my eyes.  The other 3 colours are very easy to carry and day-to-day brown.  The powder is finely milled, smooth to touch and pigmented.  I’d say the quality is really well done!  I think this is a very practical palette whereby I can see it being used most days.  For the cream item, I mostly use it as a tinted lip balm.  The swatch that you see above is a result of 3 strokes.  I feel that it’s quite moisturising and I can build the colour intensity.  If I only do one or two stroke, it gives more of a sheer peach shiny finish and if I want a bit more pigmentation, just two more strokes will do the trick.  I feel that it’s quite moisturising to touch, so I don’t really use it as a blush, I use it way more on my lips.  If you are interested in this brand, I think this is a good value set – both items are very practical!)

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