澳洲品牌LUK BEAUTIFOOD Lip Nourish食品級唇膏一出場就已經係超熱賣產品,疫情之前大家好鍾意佢,疫情之後佢再度回歸大家一樣咁鍾意佢。 今日我同大家試色同埋分享吓我對佢嘅感覺。
LUK BEAUTIFOOD is an Australian brand, when we first released their Lip Nourish, it was a big hit because the lipsticks are inspired by food ingredients! Now after a few years, they are returning to our stores and many people (including me) are still a fan. Today let me swatch them and review them for you.


叫得食品級唇膏即係話佢無毒無害,成分非常天然。 LUK BEAUTIFOOD品牌亦都崇尚自然路線,所以你見到有一半顏色都會比較淺色,而另外一半就會比較搶眼,可以因應你唔同心情唔同場合用唔同嘅顏色。 我鍾意佢係因為可以用得安心,以前睇好多報道話某啲品牌嘅唇膏有好多有害嘅化學物質,搽落個嘴度成日食嘢飲水好易食埋落肚,所以我覺得用得放心呢一點係好加分。
When we said food grade, it basically means they are non-toxic and they use clean ingredients. You can see half of the colours are on the lighter side and half of the other colours are more eye catching, you can choose the colours according to your mood and occasion. One of the biggest reasons why I love it so much is how safe they are. I used to hear many news reporting some lipsticks are so toxic that they weren’t good for our health. I am not surprised because we wear them on the lips and during the day, we eat and drink quite a few times, it’s so easy for the lipsticks to be swallowed as well. So a lipstick with clean ingredients does score very high on my chart.
另外佢顏色選擇都非常之齊全,淺色,溫柔色,搶眼色都有,而且佢質地非常潤身得黎顯色度都高! 我覺得佢滋潤度同有色潤唇膏好類似,但係出色度就比有色潤唇膏好! 我搽三四個鐘頭都唔會覺得個嘴好乾好繃緊,反而有色得嚟仲覺得好舒服。 仲要因為佢冇有害成分,用佢我個嘴完全冇敏感。
Plus, its colour selection is great, the range runs from light to eye catching shades. And they are super moisturising but with good pigmentation. I feel like they are very similar to a regular tinted lip balm but with more pigments! I wear it for 3-4 hours straight and my lips still feel comfortable and not crazy dry. Another bonus point is that since it’s clean, my lips experience no allergies.
我自己私心推介嘅顏色有Rose,呢隻色勁溫柔好有知性美同埋好日常! 另外想sharp啲嗰日我鍾意用Ruby Grapefruit,呢隻色搽咗勁精神! 如果夜晚去食飯要比較高貴大方我會用Cranberry Citrus,呢個紅搽上咀好靚,但係又唔會好老氣! 如果鍾意唇膏有少少閃閃地嘅話,可以搽完自己嘅唇膏加少少Chai Shimmers喺最中間嘅位置望落個嘴會豐盈一啲同立體一啲! 人人鍾意嘅顏色都唔同,你哋快啲過嚟舖頭試啦(黑咪店地址)或者上網買都得(網購按此)。
There are a few favourites on my list: 1. Rose is very gentle, it offers sophistication but it’s a very easy to wear day-to-day colour. 2. Ruby Grapefruit is a sharper colour which offers me that awake look. 3. Cranberry Citrus is a really nice elegant red without making anyone look old. 4. Chai Shimmers comes in handy when I want to add some more dimension to the lips (use it on the centre) or make my lips look fuller. Well, we all like different colours, so please come by to give them a try (Hakme Beauty addresses) or make your purchase online (shop link is here).