越用越喜歡既平靚正Loveisderma B5 Gelly Masque

之前有幾個video都講過呢隻面膜,我到而家為止都用完一罐。 我真係覺得越用越好用同埋真係超抵用。二百蚊有找大大罐,不得了! 我今日想記錄下我用完一罐個感覺,如果大家未試又想睇詳細用後感既話,今個post啱哂你喇。


(English:  This made appearance in my previous videos, and I just finished mine.  The more I use this, the more I love it and I guess one of the reasons is that it’s extremely affordable.  Today I want to review this product in depth and if you haven’t tried but you are kinda tempted, then read on.)

Loveisderma B5 Hydroboost Gelly Masque

HK$198/ 500g (Buy Now: Link)






用法: 洗完面,可以用自己既保濕精華打底(唔用亦得)。之後全面避開眼既位置搽,搽5mm咁厚。 敷30分鐘,再用佢附既棒棒刮走多餘既過水,搞掂。


(English:  Usage:  After cleansing face, use your own hydrating serum first (or skip this).  Apply mask on face and avoid eye areas, the thickness should be around 5mm.  Wait for 30 mins, use the spatular that comes with the mask to scrap off the excess.  Rinse face and done.)


用後感:敷嘅時候有涼涼地既感覺,好舒服! 佢係gelly狀,所以質地清爽唔會覺得好笠。敷完之後塊面好似變左另一塊面咁,面色白淨,咩黃氣暗氣無哂,皮膚好夠水,彈手又唔笠。 同埋佢有少少涼涼地,都收到下少少毛孔。 我覺得佢超好用。 皮膚差既日子我會連續敷佢三四日,敷完皮膚又正常好多。 如果你想均勻面色,保濕(唔想補油),令皮膚彈手,我覺得呢個好啱。 佢適合大部分人用。 價錢親民得黎效果又明顯,正!


(English:  Product Review: It has a slight cooling effect, so it feels really refreshing on skin!  It’s of a jelly format, so it’s quite light in texture and it doesn’t create any burden on skin.  After use, I basically feel like another person – skin tone is brightened, evened out, skin is hydrated and bouncy to touch.  Plus it has a cooling sensation so it does help a bit in minimising pores.  I really love this and this is my holy grail product when I feel that my skin is not at its best condition.  Sometimes when I need to, I will use it 3-4 times daily a week and it does bring my skin to optimal level.  If you want to even out your skin tone, hydrate your skin (minus the oil bit), increase the elasticity, this is a perfect option to go for.  It suits most skin types.  It’s affordable with brilliant results!)

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