Love or Hate: Swiss Programme Hydra Solution Smoothing Lip Scrub

嘩,呢個都買左勁耐喇, 差d連我都唔記得左有無寫過.  哈哈, 都用左好一段時間, 等我同大家講下佢好唔好先.  我買個陣係一set:

(English:  Wow, I got this item for quite awhile, I almost forgot if I had shared my comments or not!!!  Hahahaha…let me talk about it now before my memory lapse again!!  When I got the item, it came in a set:)

價錢 (Price):  HK$200/ set (HK$160/ 15ml for Lip Scrub only)

Swiss Programme Hydra Solution Smoothing Lip Scrub

Swiss Programme Hydra Solution 24 Hour Lip Balm

今次唔講lip balm住, 講左枝lip scrub先:

(English:  I will only talk about the lip scrub this time:)

Product Information:

“Enriched with botanical ingredients, Suisse Programme HYDRA SOLUTION Smoothing Lip Scrub is formulated with unique Biomimetic Peel Complex to help keep your lips impeccably smooth and supple. This easy to use treatment ideally exfoliates dull, dry, flaky skin for super soft, super smooth lips in seconds.”


睇埋before & after picture丫.

(English:  Let’s take a look at the before and after photos as well:)


In the middle of scrubbing:


使用次數 (No. of Usage): 8 times

用後感: 佢d粒粒好幼細, 一d都唔會整痛個咀.  按緊個陣都會覺得有少少涼涼地既感覺, 都幾舒服下.  按完之後, 我會過水 (咁會乾淨d).  過完水之後會覺得有少少油份係個咀度, 呢見係一件好事, 因為佢都有d滋潤既function係入面.  用完個下感覺好爽丫!  見個咀d白皮無sa, 唔會再覺得好乾.  最正係feel到個咀比較smooth同soft!!  好kissable呀!!! 哈哈哈!!  每次用既份量都唔洗好多, 所以一枝都有排用, 又符合經濟原則!!  唔錯唔錯.  我覺得呢隻lip scrub好好用呀, 推!!! 如果你個咀都成日好乾有d白皮, 你可以諗下買呢枝野磨下, 千萬唔好用手滅呀, 整到留血仲衰呀!! 

(English:  After-use Comment:  The scrub particles are very fine, it won’t hurt the delicate lips.  When massing, I feel it has a cooling effect on lips, so that feels quite nice!  After massaging for 1-2 minutes, I would rinse the area (it’s cleaner this way).  After rinsing, I feel that there is a thin oil left on the lips, which is good, it means that it has moisturizing function as well!  I love the feeling after using this!  The dry bits are all gone and the lips won’t feel so dry anymore!  The most amazing thing is it makes your lips smoother and softer!!  Very kissable!!! Hahahaha!!  You don’t have to use a lot each time, a tiny bit is enough, therefore the tube would last for a long time!!  Very nice!!!  I personally love this lip scrub super much!!  Highly recommended!!  If your lips are very dry and have dry skin as well, you could take about getting this.  Just make sure you don’t tear off the dry skin, it might make your lips bleed! OUCH!!)

(the above product information is extracted from

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