Love or Hate: Muji Loose Powder

我知好多人用碎粉都好難用得sa, 但係我真係得wor.  我諗係因為我唔會有好多盒碎粉係屋企, 加上我大部份時間都化妝, 所以日用夜用一年都會用得sa一盒.  用sa個下感覺真係好爽, 不過又要傷腦筋諗下下一個目標.  我今次唔想買咁貴, 因為我未睇到有隻令我超想試既野 (有諗過Becca, Chantecaille…), 所以我買左隻平平地既頂住先, 等我有心水既時候再敗過.  今次我揀左Muji隻loose powder (有睇我video應該會記得我呢期係Muji入左幾樣野).

(English:  I know many people cannot finish a loose powder, but I can haha!  It’s because I don’t have a few loose powder at home and I wear makeup most of the time, so with constantly drilling on 1 powder, of course I can use up a thing in 1 year.  I have to admit that using up a loose powder makes me feel fantastic, however, it’s time to move onto the next target.  Well, I didn’t want to get an expensive stuff this time because I didn’t really have a target (I thought about Becca, Chantecaille…).  Therefore, I located a cheaper choice just to hang in there until I have a better target!  This time, my choice was (if you have seen my video before, you should remember):)

Muji Loose Powder

價錢 (Price): HK$110/ 18g (not include the brush hahahaha – the brush is from Sigma!!)


On a brush:


(English:  See the powder on the brush – super fine!!)

使用次數 (No. of Usage): 2 weeks (12 – 14 times)

用後感: 佢得呢隻色叫natural就無其他色揀喇.  另外有隻係閃既, 我又無咩興趣.  我初初都怕我用呢隻色會變白面魔女, 但係好彩無事jer.  佢透明度都好高, 所以搽出黎個感覺係白淨左, 唔係白面個d白.  正因為佢透明度高, 我諗好多sis都會用得到.  另外就係佢既粉質喇, 我覺得佢拍得住d大brand wor!  佢d粉質感覺好幼細, 同埋搽上面個陣都感覺到佢好滑 (Laura Mercier鞋過佢).  搽左之後, 皮膚望落好粉嫩 (好似綿花糖咁), 感覺又唔會好乾 – 正呀!!  同埋佢都好long-lasting wor, 我用左佢之後我覺得個妝比Makeup Forever HD Powder  keep得靚.  個面去到4-5pm先有少少油, 成日都唔洗點retouch, 幾好幾好. 整體黎講我超滿意呀, 平靚正!!  我初初買個陣都唔覺得會咁好用, 所以用左幾次之後都好驚喜呀, 哈哈哈!!  如果你無太多budget買碎粉/ 你唔要求d咩牌子既話, 真係可以試下呢隻呀, 有驚喜!!!

(English:  After-use Comment:  There is only 1 color for this powder – natural.  You don’t have much choice except you could choose a shimmery one (not interested).  At first, I was worried that this might give me Geisha face.  Phew!!  I was lucky!  It’s quite transparent.  When it’s on face, it doesn’t add too much “white” color to the skin.  Because of this, I think it suits quite a lot of people’s skin tones.  Also, it has a very fine texture and it’s really comparable to those high end brands!  The texture of the powder is super fine and when it’s applied on skin, I feel that it’s very smooth on skin (Laura Mercier feels rougher than Muji).  After application, skin looks soft and smooth (kinda like marshmallow).  It doesn’t dry out skin as well – brilliant!  The most interesting part is it lasts quite well.  It certainly helps makeup to last better than Makeup Forever HD Powder.  I have a tiny bit of oil secretion when it’s around 4-5pm, but in generally, I don’t need any touch up after switching to this powder.  Very nice!  Overall speaking, I am really happy with the powder, it’s reasonably priced and works brilliantly.  I didn’t know it was this good when I first got it and in fact, I have to say that I am still pleasantly surprised!!  Hahahaha, so if you don’t have a lot of budget for a loose powder or you don’t actually care which brand you are getting as long as it’s good, then you might want to give this a try – it might surprise you as well!)

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