Love or Hate: Muji Eye Makeup Remover

唔經唔覺我都用過唔同既眼部卸妝產品, 有貴有平.  之前用開Maybelline(回顧按此), 無錯係好好用, 但係用左幾枝真係有d悶, 所以我又不斷咁試下新野喇 (當然又唔係枝枝好用啦, 你睇翻我之前d post就知咩事, 哈哈!).  終於俾我試到Muji Eye Makeup Remover喇, 究竟佢又合唔合格呢?

(English:  Hmmmm… I have used quite a few eye makeup remover from different brands, some are expensive and some are reasonably priced.  I used Maybelline before (refresh memory) and it’s really good, however, I got bored using the same thing over and over again.  Then I moved on and tried other products (again, not everyone of them is good, if you read my previous posts, you know what I mean).  Finally I came to Muji Eye Makeup Remover, will it live up to the standards??)

Muji Eye Makeup Remover

價錢 (Price): HK$68/ 93ml

使用次數 (No. of Usage): 3 weeks

用後感:  佢無色無味, 感覺上用得放心.  佢都係有兩個layer既, 同大部份waterproof eye makeup remover一樣.  唯一有d唔同既係, Muji呢隻個感覺一d都唔油, 落完妝個眼位仲覺得爽爽地添.  但係佢又落得好乾淨ga wor!  落既促度都算好快, 三兩下功夫就落完, 唔洗左等右等.  我覺得呢隻最suit兩大類人: 1. 如果你眼部比較油, 你唔想用d好油既野係個位置, 同埋 2. 眼部比較敏感既人, 佢完全唔會令眼位唔舒服 – 好好!!  除非你用d野真係超級難落啦, 否則佢都落得乾淨ga!  如果你用你d落眼妝野用到悶, 都可以考慮Muji呢隻eye makeup remover!!  哈哈…
(English:  It doesn’t contain scent or color – I feel quite safe using it.  It is also consisted of two layers, just like most of the waterproof makeup remover.  The only difference is that this Muji one doesn’t make you feel oily.  After using this to remove the eye makeup, I don’t feel any greasiness around the eye areas – great!  Also, it removes the waterproof makeup easily, I don’t have to wait for too long to remove it thoroughly.  I think this suits these two types of people best – 1. If you have oily eye areas and you don’t fancy adding more oil to the area; 2. People with sensitive eye areas, this Muji one won’t make you uncomfortable at all!  Well, unless you are using super stubborn eye makeup, otherwise, it removes very nicely.  Haha, if you are like me and get bored with your current eye makeup remover, maybe give this Muji one a try to keep the daily routine a bit more exciting!) 

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