Love or Hate: Milan Baked Blush + Swatches

你地睇左我前幾日條片都知我敗左幾粒Milani Baked Blush啦.  其實我想敗好耐喇, 因為我上YouTube都有幾多人話好用下, 有d仲話比得上MAC Mineralize Blush添.  咁多good comments就唔洗諗, 一次過敗3粒.  收到之後即刻開黎玩, 玩左幾日, 等我同大家講下係咪真係堅好用先:

(English:  You must have noticed that I hauled a few Milani Baked Blushes in my previous video.  I had been wanting them for so long as I read many good comments about them, some of them mentioned that they are comparable to MAC Mineralize Blush – fab!  Since I heard so many good comments, I got 3 of them without thinking too much.  I immediately opened them up when I received them and started to test them out.  After playing with them for a few days, let me tell you what I think about them:)

Milani Baked Blush

Color from left to right: 02 Rose D’or, 05 Luminoso, 08 Corallina

價錢 (Price): US6.99/ 3.5g

Made in Italy.

Product Information:

“A luxurious powder blush that features a mélange infusion of colors baked on Italian terracotta tiles. Easy to use, sensorial in texture, the nuances of color become extraordinarily luminous. Silky smooth application leaves your face looking healthy and radiant all day.”
試埋色比大家望下 (English: Swatches:)

Close up:

使用次數 (No. of Usage): 1 week

用後感:  佢差唔多係MAC既1/3價錢 (唔計要international shipping黎香港啦).  MAC個樣好似大粒d, 但係其實都係同Milani一樣都係3.5g.  我一見到Milani個感覺係, “望落真係好似MAC Mineralize Blush呀, 如果個packing唔係金色係黑色, 真係一樣feel!”  Milani既粉質都好幼細, 同埋佢係超上色, 點兩下上面d色已經好出 (記得係點兩下好喇!!)!  我拎住MAC同Milani左玩右玩, 都覺得兩隻個質感係無咩分別 (長氣: 但係Milani係1/3價錢wor!!).  佢地兩隻都有閃粉, 如果你唔鍾意閃野, 你應該唔會鍾意佢喇.  我勁好閃野, 所以佢當然係我既cup of tea啦.  閃還閃, 如果太浮誇既我都會覺得實用價值唔係咁高, Milani就good喇, 因為佢閃得剛好, d閃粉好幼細, 要近望先見到.  佢隻閃係另皮膚glow多d, 唔係話去party個d閃.  唔錯 (呢點都係同MAC打平)!!!  當然啦, 咁佢long唔long-lasting先得ga, 因為我出街唔帶blush (無諗住補).  哈哈, 一d都唔洗擔心呀!  佢係好long-lasting呀, 我出去8-10個鍾熱完一日返到屋企佢都仲係度呀!!  推推推!!  講真, 我真係覺得佢同MAC Mineralize Blush係無分別 (除左Milani真係平好多之外).  我係美國就一定會敗sa佢地丫. 哈哈!!

(English:  After-use Comment: Milani is almost 1/3 of MAC’s price (not counting the international shipping).  MAC looks a bit bigger in size, however, it has exactly the same weight as Milani’s (i.e. 3.5g).  When I first saw Milani Baked Blush, I thought, “this looks exactly the same as MAC Mineralize Blush.  If the packaging is not in gold and if it’s black, then it would be exactly the same as that of MAC’s!”  Milani’s powder is very fine and super pigmented.  I kinda “dip” my brush twice and the color looks really great on my cheeks already (yes “dip” not “swirl”).  I have been playing with the MAC’s and Milani’s, I haven’t noticed any difference on the texture (again Milani’s is only 1/3 of the price).  Both of them have shimmer, if you don’t like shimmery stuff, then you won’t enjoy the products.  Since I love shimmery stuff, so they are my cup of tea.  Even though it’s shimmery in nature, it’s not over the top.  It’s more like it adds the glow onto the skin, it’s definitely not party-like glitter!  You’ll discover the shimmer when you get close – so it’s still very user-friendly (this is again very comparable to MAC’s).  Well most important thing – is it long-lasting?  I don’t like bringing blushes out with me (too much to carry!!), so the point of not having to re-touch is very important to me when it comes to a blush.  Haha, I can tell you Milani’s are very long-lasting!  I go out for 8-10 hours and when I get back, the color is still there!!  Wonderful!  Honestly, I can’t tell any difference between Milani’s and MAC’s, apart from the fact that Milani’s is 1/3 of the price.  If I am in the states, I’d have probably hauled all of them by now.  Haha.)
(The above product description is extracted from

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